Blog — Scandaleuse | Inclusive Toronto Boudoir Photography


Did you talk yourself out of it?

Last year, we had a meeting with a new Scandal (if you are new here, “Scandal” is the name we give to our clients and people in our community 🤗) and she inspired us to write today’s blog.

She reached out in January for some information about our boudoir shoots because she wanted to celebrate herself with an outdoor session. We loved her idea so much that we decided to followed up when she stopped corresponding with us. She was so happy we didn’t give up because it was the extra push she needed to do her shoot as she had talked herself out of doing it.

Sharing this information with us was very courageous, not everyone can do it, and it gave us the opportunity to write about this topic as it is a quite common situation.


What does it mean to talk ourselves out of something?

Talking ourselves out of something refers to the act of persuading oneself not to pursue a certain course of action, decision, or opportunity. This internal dialogue often involves rationalizing reasons why it may not be the right time, not be achievable, not be worth the effort nor the money.

It can come from different reasons such as fear of failure, self-doubts, external pressure, or simply a lack of confidence.

Sounds too familiar? Of course it does! We can all relate to that choice of listening to fear and giving up instead of going after something we want. It is a defence mechanism that we all do at some point in our life!

Is it a toxic trait?

Of course not! It is a way of protecting yourself from potential arm, either it is physical or mental.

But it is holding you back from experiencing Life! By engaging in these self-talks, living a too comfortable life, and not taking any risk, you are missing out on exploring new possibilities and adventures. Which makes personal growth very difficult to achieve, and you might end up having regrets about all the things you didn’t do.

Remember that no one can live your life but you!

Boudoir photography put people outside their comfort zone

We see it with some of our clients who want so badly to do a boudoir shoot to feel empowered, to regain confidence, or reclaim their image that has been destroyed in the past. But they feel so nervous, or afraid, about showing their uncovered body that they keep pushing the experience back, or they decide to not do it anymore. And that makes us sad for them because we know that a boudoir shoot would help them to get to that level of self-love they deserve.

Don’t get us wrong, anyone has the right to change their mind about anything. But when we meet someone who has this craving about trying boudoir photography, it is part of our job to reassure them and motivate them to move away from that internal fear and just go for it.

You might think that we are being bias because we are boudoir photographers, but it is more than that. We are strong believers that boudoir photography is a therapeutic tool, that can help anyone with body and confidence issues. We have experienced its transformative effect ourselves, and witnessed it through all the clients we had those past 7 years.

So if you want to give it a try, you have our support, do it! Even better, do a shoot with us 🥰.

How to shut down these annoying little voices?

Recognizing when you are talking yourself out of something is primordial to challenge these self-imposed limitations, embrace new possibilities, and finally do all the things that scare you.


The first step is learning to differentiate talking yourself out of something you really want to accomplish from changing your mind about something you don’t want to do anymore. You might be thinking: “aren’t those the same? You end up not doing it anyway!”. Sure, they sound similar, but those two points are very different and create different results.

The first one is based on fear. You give up or keep pushing it back not because you don’t want to do it anymore but because you are afraid of something (maybe you think you will be judged by others, or that it will change your life in a way that you don’t feel ready for… there is always fear behind those little voices that tell you not to do something). As mentioned before, not going after what your soul craves will create regrets because it was meaningful to you.

It is something you feel deep in your bones, and it usually keeps coming back even though you tell yourself otherwise.

The second one is only a change of mind. Yes, it would have been fun to do it, but since it is not something that you need in order to feel fulfill and grow, not doing it isn’t going to change anything in your life.

They usually manifest as ideas or thoughts like: “maybe I could do this” or “it would be fun to try that!”. But they don’t last long, and you just forget about them.

Once you have recognized if it is something you want to keep pursuing, it is time to do a little bit more work on yourself.


The second step is to pay attention to this universal behaviour we all have: finding excuses! Either we do it to cancel plans, to not do the work we are supposed to do, to not show up somewhere, or to not go after something we wish for, having excuses is so common that we do it without even realizing we are.

And yes, some are very valid excuses, but most of the time we just don’t want to push ourselves too much because we are very comfortable in the moment.

There are many excuses out there, but we want to talk about the 3 most common ones (otherwise this blog will become a novel 😅). Also, we are using boudoir photography to make our points clearer, obviously they apply to anything in life:

  • Lack of skill & confidence: this has to be first on our list because it is something 90% of our clients feel nervous about when they want to book their boudoir shoot. It is either because they never posed in their life and feel like they will be ridiculous. Or they don’t like their body and think they will look ridiculous. But most of the time, it is a mix of both: they are afraid of being ridiculous because they believe they are not good enough to try boudoir photography.

    The truth: yes, you are photogenic! Yes, you are beautiful! And yes, you deserve photographs of yourself to show you how badass you are.

  • Money: Raise your hand if you have money blocks that stop you from moving forward in life 👋.

    Little disclaimer: we are referring to people who have the savings for this type of experiences, or treat themselves with more high-end services or products. We are aware that not everyone can afford a boudoir shoot.

    But for those who can, money is a common excuse people use when it comes to a boudoir session. They have the money set aside specifically for their shoot, yet they overthink the experience and limit themselves on the number of pictures they would buy even though they haven’t done their photoshoot yet. When you dig deeper, you realize money isn’t the issue. The main problem is that they deeply believe they don’t deserve to treat themselves with such a transformative experience, nor invest the money on themselves.

    The truth: treat yourself like royalty, you freaking deserve it! Also, if it is hard for you to imagine spending money of a boudoir experience, remember that you don’t have to pay everything at once, and we offer payment plans.

  • Time: “I can’t, I am too busy!”. That is true, we all have stuff to do. But time is all we have on this planet, and you can make time for the things that are important to you. So it isn’t a question of time, it is about choices and moving your schedule around. We see it often with women, especially moms. They dream of doing a shoot, but they keep pushing that thought back because of not having the time. What we hear (based on testimonials we gathered from all those years working with women who have kids) is that they don’t dare to take the me-time they deserve because they have a family to take care of. They feel like they don’t deserve to put themselves first by fear of being selfish.

    The truth: you have the right, like anyone else, to pause your busy life for a few hours and focus on you for once!

When you think about it, it is ridiculous to stop ourselves from going after the things we want in life because of self-limitations. If we were cartoon characters, it would be the same as dropping a rock in front of ourselves and not moving because of this obstacle we just made (even though we could just circumvent it, or jump over it, to keep moving forward)!

Once you understand what is the real reason behind the excuse you use, you can put back things into perspective and reassure yourself to go for it. Give yourself a good pep talk, you should be ready for the next step!


The final step is pretty straightforward: just DO IT without thinking too much about it. Overthinking is a buzz killer, trust me I am guilty of that! And such is over-planning, by the way. Wanting to feel prepared and ready is very important of course, but it can become a form of procrastination when you focus too much on it instead of doing the work.

You want to do a boudoir shoot but your inner negative voices are bullying you? Then you now know what to do: stop overthinking and book your session. You will have plenty of time to get yourself ready before your shoot, but at least you took that first step!


The chances to accomplish things are much higher when you tell other people about what you’re trying to do. Even just sharing your ideas, or dreams, out loud to someone can help to give you the push you need to get started on it.

Go with someone supportive and open-minded, a loved one who will lift you up! Don’t share it with someone who might crush your idea. If you are already doubting yourself, the last thing you need is another person doubting you!

So, are we seeing you soon in front of our lenses?

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5 common boudoir questions people ask

Happy new year, and thank you for stopping by our first blog of 2025 🥳

Like every year, we are very excited to share more about our business, give you helpful tips & tricks, or talk about topics that matter to us! If you haven’t signed up to our weekly newsletter yet and want to stay in the loop to not miss any of our blogs, scroll down the page, and you will find the form there.

Since we haven’t talked about the basic of boudoir in a while, why not start the year answering the most common questions people ask about boudoir photography.


Can I do a boudoir shoot for myself?

Is it very common for people to believe the only reason for someone to have their photos taken in a boudoir style is to gift them to a partner or a lover. Which is not wrong (it is always a nice touch to gift someone some sexy pictures, it adds extra spiciness to the relationship), but it is not the goal of this type of photography.

Doing a boudoir shoot for yourself is the ultimate experience you can treat yourself to. It is the me-time you finally deserve! On top of getting stunning photos, you also gain long-lasting benefits that you will feel in your everyday life (such as a boost of confidence, change in your posture,…).

Am I too old to try boudoir photography?

Beside having to be over 18, there is no limit of age in order to do a boudoir shoot. We often receive inquiries from women who are 50+, who called themselves “mature”, and tell us that it might be weird that they want to do a shoot at their age.

Of course, it is not weird! And we wished more people who are past a certain age could treat themselves with this life-changing experience… Feeling fabulous is ageless 🤩

Is boudoir only for women?

If you type boudoir photography in your browser, you will see a big majority of images showcases women, but don’t let it fool you… boudoir is for everyone!

Either you are a man who want to explore his softer side, a trans person who want to fully embrace what they now identify as, a non-binary person who wants to break gender stereotypes, or a cross dresser who want to express themselves fully, boudoir photography is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your badass-self the way you want it!

I don’t know how to pose, can I still have a boudoir shoot done?

Absolutely! We never work with professional models, and most of our clients are first timers (some of them never even had their photos taken for anything). Both Juliette and I, Fanny, are on your shoot and it is our role to guide you through each pose and set (we often, if not always, demonstrate the poses so you can have a visual).

If you feel really nervous with the idea of posing, it is normal, but we promise it is fun if you let yourself be guided and trust the process.

Should I lose weight so I can look good in my photos?

We are going to steal one of Nirvana’s song for this one, but here is what we tell people:

“Come as you are.”

Your natural body is beautiful, you are beautiful… 👏 yes 👏 you 👏 are 👏

One of the reasons we opened Scandaleuse Photography back in 2017, was to make boudoir accessible to anyone, no matter their shapes and sizes. Boudoir is a mindset, not a beauty contest! It is about helping yourself to reconnect to your sensuality, your self-confidence, & your sexiness, and making you love the body you have 💛

We really hope this blog will help you take the decision to finally do that boudoir shoot you deserve! We would love to see you in front of our lenses. As usual, if you have questions, feel free to reach out here!

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Dudeoir shoots - boudoir photography isn't only for women.

We have been photographing men since the day we opened Scandaleuse Photography back in 2017, but those past months, we had a big increase of inquiries coming from gentlemen, and some of them had quite the same reasons. So we thought it was time to redo a blog post regarding our dudeoir shoots!

Not sure what dudeoir photography is? Well, keep reading, we will explain everything to you and hopefully give you the extra push you need to try this experience!


Wait, boudoir photography is not only for women?

Of course it is not! Boudoir is for everyone who is over 18 years old.

A boudoir shoot is simply an indoors or outdoors photography session, in which you show more skin than in a regular portrait session. It can be done in lingerie, or any outfit truly, as long as you show some skin (wearing only a piece a fabric, or nothing at all is also an option).

Despite some old school boudoir examples you can see online, you do not need to have any modelling experience, neither be of a certain age, body shape, or gender, in order to try this type of photography. The only thing you need is your beautiful-self and talented photographers (AKA us 😉)!

Is dudeoir photography different than boudoir?

Nope. The term dudeoir was invented so men can relate more to this type of photography by being less afraid to end up with pictures of themselves that could potentially be too feminine for their taste. But the goal stays the same:

Feeling empowered, sexy, and confident!

It is not because this industry showcases mostly women that you cannot do a boudoir shoot as a man. Some of our male clients want to showcase their masculinity by getting moody photographs that showcase their muscles. But other clients want photos that are more bright and airy to show their softer side and reconnect with their femininity (it doesn’t matter what our gender is, we all have both feminine and masculine traits… and that is ok!).

Men, too, want to feel sensual, desired, and more confident. Boudoir photography is the perfect tool to help them get there, without shame nor pressure!

Speaking of reasons…

Since boudoir photography isn’t common for men, most of them held back from doing a shoot because they don't know why they would even give it a try.

Here are a few reasons:


Media put so much pressure on people with all the “beauty standards” that having a clouded vision of our body doesn't only apply to women, it is universal! Most of us wish parts of our body could be different:

“I wish I could be more muscular, thinner, taller, have more boobs, a bigger weenie,…”

The truth is that we should be able to love the way we look naturally instead of wanted to be different. When you learn to accept your body the way it is, you stop comparing yourself to others and start building a stronger confidence.


Speaking of confidence :)… A boudoir shoot is a challenge by itself. It can make you feel vulnerable and pushes you out of your comfort zone. But this is good as it helps you grow and develop that confidence we all need.

Can you guess why it is important to be confident?

It gives you the strength to go through life challenges and make the world your oyster… Not bad right!

We like to say that once you strip down in front of two strangers, nothing else in life can stop you ;)


This is probably the first reason that pushes most of our clients to do or redo a boudoir shoot.

We all need to celebrate our awesome-selves. Every little or big victories, body transformations (new hairstyle, tattoos, …), and even birthdays. Basically anything that makes us happy in our everyday life.

Be your own cheerleader and treat yourself with unique experiences!


Yes you read that right! Every single human being has both a feminine and masculine side. Not a lot of men dare to tap into their femininity, but your feminine side is a huge asset in your life. It keeps you grounded and helps you simply enjoy what is around you. You become more aware of what all of your senses are picking up, which helps you develop new perspectives and your creativity.


The pressure around men is quite insane: “Don’t cry! Be strong! Suck it up! Don't be a girl!…” If you guys dare to show a bit of sensitivity, you are right away put in the “weak” category. You have the right to be whatever and whoever you want. But in order to change mentalities, like women, you have to stand up and fight! You have to be willing to tap and show your sensitivity, to make it normal.

By allowing yourself to be more vulnerable and not being afraid to show emotions (rather than always trying to be strong all the time), you will slowly but surely remove some clichés attributed to men.

You won't be only be doing yourself a favour, you will do one for your fellas too.


Even if a boudoir shoot should always be done for yourself first, using it as a gift for your partner is always a cool extra bonus, and a great way to spice your relationship up. Who wouldn't be amazingly surprised to see sexy pictures of their lover, fiancé, or spouse?!


Now that you read all the reasons for doing a dudeoir shoot, what are you waiting for to book your session with us 😉

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What happens during a boudoir shoot?

If you haven’t done a boudoir shoot yet you might wonder what’s going on during the session. Today, we are sharing with you everything that is happening the day of your shoot!

But before we dive in, let us explain what is Boudoir in case you are not familiar with this term:

A boudoir shoot is a type of photography in which people are showing more skin than traditional portrait photography. The photos are usually intimate, sensual, sexy (but can also be in a more cosy vibe for those who prefer this than being sexy). People have different reasons to do a boudoir shoot, but the most common one is to increase self-confidence (we wrote a blog here that explains it more in details).


Let us guide you first through the basics of our boudoir shoots but read everything to the end as we are talking about points people don’t necessarily think of!

  • We put your favourite music on!

When we meet you on Zoom for an introduction meeting, we tell you to create a playlist with your favourite songs on your phone so you can really put yourself in the mood during your session. Music is a powerful tool to help you relax and have fun.

  • We look at your outfits!

During the meeting we previously mentioned, we suggest to you to bring a suitcase full of different outfits and props. Before we start shooting, we spend the first 10 minutes going through what you brought, select your top 3 outfits, and help you mix and match or find ideas for the other pieces.

Seeing your outfits and props is what makes us create scenarios and the different sets we are going to pose you in.

  • Let the shoot begin!

This is usually the moment most people are nervous about, especially when they are first timers. But there is nothing to worry about as we pose you and guide you the entire session, and make sure the poses are adapted to your body type and flexibility level. So even if you don’t know how to pose, or are not feeling really good about your body, if you follow our guidance, you let loose and will end up having a lot of fun.

You will see that time flies very quickly during your boudoir session. Since both of us are on the shoot, one of us is always setting up for the next set when the other is shooting, which makes the session flows nicely!

Now that you know the “technical” stuff of what is happening during your shoot, we want to talk to you about what happens to your body and mind!

  • You let loose!

Most of the people who contact us to book a session always tell us they are not photogenic and feel very awkward in front of a camera. That is one of the reason they can feel nervous with the idea of trying boudoir photography and can be tensed at the beginning of the shoot. But since we create a fun vibe from the start and take the time to demonstrate the poses, you start to relax and enjoy being photographed. You forgot about not being photogenic and start to rock those poses 😎.

  • Your sensuality starts to kick in.

It is not easy for a lot of people to embrace their sensuality, or even dare to think of themselves as sensual beings. Boudoir photography is very powerful for that because it allows you to show the amount of skin you want, let go of the people’s judgment, focus on yourself, and be more in touch with your body. All of this combined helps your sensuality shines!

  • You unlock your confidence.

During your boudoir shoot, we also show you how to improve your posture, and this is something you take with you in your everyday life! We will tell you to straighten your back, bring your chest up, make yourself taller, and walk like you own the place. All of those little adjustments help to increase your self-confidence and you remember those for years!

On top of that, you will embrace all of your personalities during your boudoir experience. During your 2 hours shoot, you can go from a cosy vibe to a having a badass attitude, and truly showcase your most fearless, sexy, confident, cute, or whatever else you want to showcase 🔥.

Ready for a shoot with us?

Also don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter if it is not done yet :)

What are you waiting for?

We hear it too often:

“I really want to do a boudoir shoot, but not now!”

When Juliette and I talk about our photography work, people often express the desire to have a boudoir shoot done. They share about the fact they have been wanting to do it for a long time, that they are waiting for the right moment to do it, but never seem to know when it is.

The truth is, the perfect moment to do a boudoir shoot doesn’t exist! Of course, there are a couple of factors to take into consideration such as time and money (time because you need to be able to dedicate a good chunk of your day just for yourself, and money because a boudoir shoot is a little bit of an investment), but for the rest, it is mostly fear that makes people keep pushing back the idea of doing a boudoir session.

Yes, boudoir photography can be intimidating. But it is such a transformative experience and trust us when we say that the more you wait, the more you are missing out on something extraordinary!


Celebrate Your Present Self

If you feel proud of who you are right now, then celebrating yourself with a boudoir shoot is a really great idea! Maybe you got out of a toxic relationship, or you changed carrier for something more fulfilling, or maybe you are turning a certain age and feel fabulous, then you deserve to treat yourself for all the hard work you had to do to in order to be where you are today.

It takes a lot of courage to make the changes we need to be happier in life, so we hope that you can see how strong and badass you are! A boudoir shoot is the perfect gift to capture that strength 💪

Reconnect To Your Body

So many of our clients dislike their body, and every time it breaks our hearts to hear how they talk about themselves:

“I hate myself!”

“Ugh, I am so ugly!”

“I am fat, it is awful!“

“I wish I could have a different body!“

For way too long, society has taught us to see our body as an enemy by creating beauty standards, and conditioned us to make them our reality. It is so deeply rooted that every part of ourselves that don’t follow those standards became “imperfections” that have to be destroyed. The result is that we are now so disconnected from our body we forget that without it, we will not exist. We focus on what we believe we “should look like”, completely put our sensuality on the side, and replace it with bitterness.

Doing a boudoir shoot is an important step to reconnect with your sensuality, and start loving your body for its natural beauty. So if this resonates with you, then this is the right moment to do it!

The Middle Finger You Sometime Need To Give

There is no better sweet revenge than doing something that makes you feel super confident other people find scandalous. There is a moment in life where we get tired of people’s judgment and being pressured to live a life that isn’t what we truly want. When you reach to that moment, your inner rebel takes control and encourages you to do stuff that make you feel proud of yourself.

When you do a boudoir shoot, you try an experience that allows you to become your own sexy and sensual version of yourself, and this is so freaking liberating.

It feels like giving an empowered middle finger to all the shitty things people have told you and done to you. You don’t want to wait forever to feel this way 😎

Life Is Unpredictable

This is going to be a big cliché, but there is so much truth there: life is too short to be waiting for the perfect moment!

I, Fanny, recently lost a family member, and it was very sudden. She was young, she was travelling with her husband, and she died. Her death was a sad reminder that you never know when it is time for you to leave this earth, and it feels like a slap in the face. Either it is death, an accident, or any other life's uncertainties, there may never be a "right time" to embark on this journey. The more you wait, the more you take the risk that it never happens.

If you want to try boudoir photography, stop overthinking it and just do it! You will never regret having a boudoir shoot done, but you might regret not doing it…

As you can see, the beauty of a boudoir shoot isn’t in waiting for the ideal version of yourself; it’s about celebrating exactly who you are today. Every curve, every scar, every feature tells your story, and that story deserves to be honoured. Boudoir photography is about embracing your present self with love and courage, because you are already enough, already beautiful.

Speaking of now or never: we are having a Holiday boudoir special so you can treat yourself with our mini boudoir sessions for the holidays, and give a very special gift to a very special someone at the same time! Click below for the details!

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Check out our Unstoppable photo exhibit

It’s a wrap! Our Unstoppable 3.0 photo exhibit was on October 7th, and it was a success! We sold around 90 tickets and were able to get $2000 for the 2 charities we raised funds for: After Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Canada.

Since our exhibit is over, we can finally share with you all the photographs! This collection includes 19 photos, divided into 4 distinct sets, and we'd love to give you some insight into the story behind them.

When we started to brainstorm about the photoshoot, it was really important for us to work with women who were breast cancer patients and survivors to showcase different type of bodies and breasts, as most of them have undergone single or double mastectomies, some with breast reconstructions and some without.

We also wanted to illustrate the struggle of body-acceptance for breast cancer survivors, especially after a single or double mastectomy. It’s an unfortunate reality that breasts are often tied to ideas of femininity and sexuality. The emotional and mental impact on women when their bodies are changed in such a significant way is barely discussed. They are left feeling less beautiful, less feminine, and less worthy.

This exhibit is our way of showing our support, love, and admiration to all the women who are dealing with breast cancer 💗

Set 1

For the 1st set, we asked all of these beautiful women to start by covering themselves, except 3 of them, to showcase them as pioneers towards self-acceptance.

It was important that most of the models hide themselves and look away from the camera, to also show the feeling of loneliness breast cancer can make you feel. We use red as primary colour for the fabrics to show the pain, heartbreaks, and internal fights those women have to go through.


Set 2

The 2nd one was created with the idea of showing more women slowly uncovering, with the support of the first 3 models, and feeling more comfortable with their naked body.

In this set, we really wanted to recreate a boudoir room, with bright and light colours to bring a feeling of peace and happiness, in which our models are taking care of each other to represent the power of sisterhood and showcase the importance of having a feminine circle to fight the loneliness you can see in the set before.


Set 3

The 3rd set is the "no f*cks given" set, designed to be bold and defiant.

In this set, ours models are fully showing their breast and feeling more confident with their bodies. We chose royal colours such as gold to highlight their power and courage! We wanted something unapologetic and for these women to make a statement:

They will not hide any longer!


Set 4

The last one is s heavily influenced by the Renaissance era, and is all about rest and reflection to continue their healing process.

In this set, we used blue and purple colours for the fabrics, as we wanted to create a relaxed and serene atmosphere, symbolizing the achievement of self-love and the unity of a newfound community.

It was also very important to pose them in the most soften ways possible to showcase their natural bodies, and emphasize that stillness state.


Doing this 3rd edition of our Unstoppable serie was once again a beautiful journey rich in emotions, and it was a true pleasure meeting wonderful human beings! In case you were not at the opening night of this exhibit, we hope you enjoyed seeing the photos in this blog article and the story behind this project.

We want to thank all the fabulous people who have helped us created such a beautiful event, we are forever grateful!


Cancer was a test of my strength & resilience

This blog was written by Ellyn Winters, breast cancer survivor and one of our model for our Unstoppable photography exhibit.

I was diagnosed with ER+PR+ HER2- breast cancer on March 10, 2022. The diagnosis of cancer came as an utter shock. I was fit, a non-smoker, and a social drinker. I breastfed my kids. I had no family history. I also was diligent about my breast scans. I had a baseline at 40 and went every two years since turning 50. My last mammogram in 2019, in the words of my surgeon, was “perfect.”

And yet, I found myself two years and two months later, with multifocal cancer in the left breast. Three tumours, with the largest measuring 4.5 cm. How that was even possible will always be a mystery to me.

After two surgeons’ exams and an MRI, it was determined a mastectomy was the only option. I opted to have both breasts removed for symmetry and peace of mind and chose aesthetic flat closure – a form of chest wall reconstruction that leaves you with a perfectly flat chest.

Initially, things looked good with respect to my lymph nodes. Even after surgery, my doctor told my husband everything looked good. But pathology told a different story. Cancer was found in microscopic amounts in my left side lymph nodes. So I had 12 weeks of preventative chemo and 15 rounds of radiation to reduce risk of recurrence.

Cancer was a test of my strength and resilience. For the first four weeks after my diagnosis, while I awaited my biopsy, I was crippled with anxiety. I couldn’t get a breath or pick myself up off the floor. But as time went on, I gathered my courage, decided to “love my fate” and decided cancer was NOT going to take me to the mat. I fought back, trained like I was going into a marathon, and went into surgery and treatment with the stubbornness of a bull. I made it through. I never stopped working and never missed a client deadline. 

I also became determined to eliminate the shame and blame that seems to swirl around a breast cancer diagnosis. It bothered me terribly to see women express humiliation, or feel they need to hide away. So I fought, and continue to fight back against this societal stigma.  I wrote an opinion piece for The Globe and Mail. I wrote a book. I was featured topless in People Magazine, showcasing my scars and flat chest. I have co-created the first conversational AI for those on the breast cancer journey. And I am proud to support UNSTOPPABLE and share our uniquely brave beauty with the world. 

I didn’t want cancer. I still can’t believe I had cancer. But I decided that the universe set me on this path for a reason, and I am determined to make a difference and make things better for my daughter and other women.

Go check Ellyn’s Instagram to read more about her work in the breast cancer community!

If you are interested in our Unstoppable exhibit, you can find all the details and tickets below:

And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Badass Female Photographers - Diane Arbus

Hello Scandals! We are very excited about this new category we created for our blog posts: Badass Female Photographers. The idea is to write several blogs about those female photographers (well known or forgotten by history) who shaped the world of photography.

We are businesswomen, but first and foremost we are artists, so creating this blog series takes us back to photography school and satisfies the artist within us!

For this first blog, let us introduce you to Diane Arbus 📸

We used the following sources for the facts stated in this blog: Wikipedia, Arts Help, and The Art Story.


Diane Arbus holds her 1962 photograph: Child with toy in Central Park.


She was an American photographer who was famous for her incredible B&W and intimate portraits of marginalized communities. I, Fanny, personally love her work (it is my dream to, one day, buy one of her photograph). From the moment I discovered her art, I got fascinated and inspired by her artistic vision and images! What I find incredible about her work is the fact that she dared to move away from social barriers and prejudices in order to document the life of those who were called “freaks” (people with dwarfism, circus performers, giants, gender non-conforming people…).

"She was fascinated by people who were visibly creating their own identities—cross-dressers, nudists, sideshow performers, tattooed men, the nouveaux riches, the movie-star fans, and by those who were trapped in a uniform that no longer provided any security or comfort." - Arthur Lubow.

Her work strongly influenced the way our world perceives people who don’t conform to our society’s standards and the importance of a proper representation of all people.

Tell me more about her!

Diane Arbus (born as Diane Nemerov) was born in 1923 in New York City.

She grew up in a wealthy family but was raised by maids and governesses since her parents were not deeply involved in raising her, nor her siblings (Diane's mother struggled with bouts of depression preventing her from intellectually supporting her daughter, while her father stayed busy with work). This lack of parenting pushed her to try separating herself from her family.

How did she become a photographer?

At the age of 18 she married Allan Arbus, who she was dating since the age of 14. Allan was working in the advertising department of Diane’s father’s fur shop, and he was the one who gifted Diane her first camera shortly after their marriage. With her husband, they opened their fashion photography studio in which Allan was the photographer and Diane the art director (she would come up with the concepts for their shoots and then take care of the models). She eventually grew tired of the unfulfilling commercial work and, with the support of her husband, end up starting her career as a solo photographer.

The main event in her life that triggered her curiosity for photography was her pregnancy with her first daughter, Doon, that she chronicled in 1945. She also took some photography classes with two famous female photographers (that we will also cover in the blog series) : Berenice Abbott and Lisette Model.

Diane Arbus self portrait with daughter

Diane Arbus - 1945 Double Self-Portrait with Infant Daughter, Doon.


The evolution of her art.

She started her portraits journey by wandering the streets of New York’s and taking pictures of strangers, stolen moments her subjects did not expect. She kept her distance at first, not meeting eyes with her models.

But rapidly, Diane felt compelled to get closer to the people she photographed, and focus on the one living an unconventional life. She would befriend her subjects, connect to them in a unique way, and photographed them in intimate settings such as their homes. The power of her images, beside the subjects themselves, is the fact that she would make them look directly at the camera and being the centre of each photograph.

“As her works evolve her subjects begin to knowingly face the camera, her photographs become almost provocative with vulnerability. Her subjects are emotionally exposed to the point of nakedness, their eyes staring directly into the camera.” - Kaiya Malik.

Many have thought that her work was an extension of her childhood and personal suffering, feeling oppressed and like a social outcast within her own community!

A controversial photographer!

Diane Arbus The Albino sword swallower and her sister.

Diane Arbus - The Albino sword swallower and her sister, Md.

Diane Arbus received a lot of critics, either positive or negative. Some people, like me, were fascinated by the choice of the models and her approach, seeing her art as a way to show marginalized groups as humans instead of “freaks”.

But not everyone would agree with her vision. Some people would see her work as something perverse, she would be called a “voyeur” by some critics, while others would doubt the fact she viewed her subjects as social equals. She was seen as a free-spirit (which wasn’t a compliment at that time) and got a reputation that she was sleeping with some of her models.

Her battle with depression.

Diane Arbus experienced "depressive episodes" during her life, similar to those experienced by her mother, and committed suicide at the age of 48 (1971), by ingesting barbiturates and cutting her wrists with a razor. She wrote the words "Last Supper" in her diary and placed her appointment book on the stairs leading up to the bathroom, her body was found two days later.

"I go up and down a lot. Maybe I've always been like that. Partly what happens though is I get filled with energy and joy and I begin lots of things or think about what I want to do and get all breathless with excitement and then quite suddenly either through tiredness or a disappointment or something more mysterious the energy vanishes, leaving me harassed, swamped, distraught, frightened by the very things I thought I was so eager for! I'm sure this is quite classic." - Diane Arbus ( letter wrote to a friend in 1968).

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How To Be Your Most Magnificent-Self

We were very tempted to write “badass-self” because for us it has such a powerful meaning. But apparently the definition of BADASS is not super positive, so let’s go with MAGNIFICENT!

It is no secret that when you feel confident about yourself, you achieve more and are less afraid to do things in general. Wouldn’t be amazing to be able to put our self-doubt in the garbage and feel confident all the time? Hell yes!


You build confidence by being and doing!

Confidence comes in waves, and it takes practice to keep it up. It follows our emotions and gets triggered every time we face failures, disappointments, and frustration. On top of that, the media and people can also make our confidence drops if we pay too much attention to the external noises (*cough: people’s judgment).

To avoid those negative feelings and make sure you stay confident in your life, you have to live it by your own rules and make sure you stay true to yourself (it’s time to stop being a people pleaser, for example). If you are thinking:

“Ok ladies, you are right in theory, but all of this sounds vague to me. How do you stay authentic when you are not sure of who you are or what you want to begin with?!”.

We get that feeling of confusion as we have been there. And honestly, it still happens now and then because Juliette and I never really settle for an easy and quiet life. The more you experience life, the more you grow, therefore you constantly reevaluate who you are. It can be tiring, but is always exhilarating.

Even if those self-discovery journeys are very personal, we want to share with you what have been working for us so far and the values that we think are important in order to stay authentic to ourselves:

Stop fearing what people think of you!

Let’s start with this, as this is the most common reason that stops people from being themselves: others.

There are two things you need to understand, and we wish someone had told us that when we were teenagers… It would have changed a lot of things for Juliette and me:

  • People will always judge you. It doesn’t matter how you dress up, if you are a good or a bad person, what you do for a living, or how you live your life, someone will always disagree with your choices. It is IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE EVERYONE.

  • People project their own limits on you. How many times have people told you you will never be able to make one of your dream come true? Many times right! They don’t believe you can make it because they cannot do it themselves. Their opinion of you is based on their own experiences, limits, fears, and failures.

Isn’t it mind-blowing? This is why what people think of you is not important. You will never be happy if you let people dictate your life.

Don’t take life too seriously!

Who said that because we are adults we cannot let our inner child out and play without worrying of what others will think? It is sad to want to do something but stop ourselves from doing it because it is not proper or acceptable as an adult.

We say “fuck it!”. Dance like nobody is watching, go twirl under the rain, laugh and cry, make noises or a little dance when you eat something delicious, believe in fairies and mermaids if you want to…

Having a huge imagination and being silly doesn’t make you less of an adult, but it will for sure make you feel more relax and happier.

Do things that make you feel proud of yourself…

… and don’t hide it from others (yes, even if you are afraid those activities are inappropriate for your age, gender, or profession).

As boudoir photographers, we hear it often from our clients who do a shoot but don’t want to show their pictures to anyone in case people might think it is too sexy or slutty. No one has the right to judge when it comes to personal choices and preferences.

So go take those sexy pictures, the pole dance class you have been dreaming of, or go buy that outfit that is calling your name even though it is too short, colourful, or sparkly.

As long as you feel good about it, it is all that matters!

Embrace your beautiful-self!

And learn to love your body the way it is! See your body as your friend and stop throwing hate at it. We, women especially, are too focused on the part of our body we don’t like:

“Ugh, I wish I could be thinner, curvier, have more boobs/butt, could change my nose, or be taller, …”

All of this hatred is exhausting! Wouldn’t be better to be able to find ourselves beautiful all the time, instead of worrying of what we look like just because we believe those old school (and BS) beauty standards?

Well, it is about really wanting to love our body and changing the perception we have of ourselves.


Set boundaries with others!

Some people are really good at feeding on your willingness to listen and care for them. When you let them do so, you end up feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and physically distressed.

You have the right to say no, stop, and/or cut people out of your life if necessary.

This topic deserves a full article, so here is a fascinating blog that will help you set boundaries up. It also works with people who judge you, tell you how you should live your life, or even for your professional life if you feel you deserve a raise or have been asked to do too much for your position.

This is a really hard process, but damn, when you manage to do it, it feels amazing and removes a lot of pressure off your shoulders.

Like we said, it is a personal journey, but we hope those tips will help you to discover your badass-self 😎. And as usual, do not hesitate to share with us in comment if there is anything else you want to add!

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Artist vs Entrepreneur

Juliette and I met in photography school in Paris 12 years ago. We spent 3 years learning about photography, its history and different technics (we even learnt about photographic film which was a lot of fun!). That process of learning pushed us to always discover and create more, we felt like true artists.

two french women being silly in front of the camera

Juliette & Fanny, many many many moons ago, in photography school 📸


We were using each other as models and always had weird (cough - I mean interesting) ideas that ended up being really cool 🕶️. It was all about figuring out our style by trying random things. We did not care about likes and comments or making money, it was all about creating.

Then we opened Scandaleuse and things changed. Don’t get us wrong we still give all of our creative energy and love to our work and community, but becoming business owners shift your perspective about art and our passion.

Having a business changes everything!

The main goal of opening a business is to make a living out of it. You spend countless of hours working on your branding, building a trustful reputation, finding professional relationships and new clients. You invest so much energy, time, and money, that you do every you can to make a return on all that investment. Which means that unfortunately you put most of the creative enjoyment on the side and focus on what your clients would enjoy.

Of course you create your branding at your image and your clients come to you because they enjoy and can relate to your style, but creating for your business is different than creating just for yourself.

If we were to only focus on being artists, we will put our clients in more complicated poses, creative and colourful makeup, always nude or in weir outfits… But the way we do boudoir photography is to make it accessible to everyone and get away from traditional boudoir. For us it is really important to make sure we adapt to our clients rather than the other way around, and even if our Scandals like our style they still want to look like themselves during their shoot. So we do have to follow their taste and add a bit of our twist to the mix. Honestly we are ok with this because people who shoot with us always have cool ideas but they are also happy to follow our directions!

And whenever we feel the need to explore our creativity and do personal shoots, we know we have people in our community who are always up to go on our boudoir adventures 😍


What to do if you feel like you are loosing your creativity and passion?

When you have a full-time business, especially as a creative, you can easily lose your passion to focus only on money. It is not something that happens right away, it take years before realizing that your business is killing the artist within you. One day you wakeup feeling unmotivated and frustrated, without understanding why. Then you realize you haven’t created in a long time just for the sick of creating because you have been too focused on your business.

Well the solution is quite simple:

Take some time to work on a personal project to refuel your creative juice!

For example, if you are a photographer think about an idea or style you want to experiment, find a model or two (or 20 if you have a crazy big vision), maybe add other creative peeps on your project, and make it this project come to life! Don’t think about how many likes or comments you can get from it on social media, or how much you could sell the pictures for, do it just to fill yourself with joy and pride.

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Should I keep my pictures private?

A lot of people are hesitant about doing a boudoir shoot because they do not really know how they will be using their pictures. Some can't imagine sharing them and the idea of other people seeing their photographs is sailing away the boudoir shoot boat, no matter how bad they want to try it..


Online sharing or not online sharing

If there is one main takeaway from this blog post, it is this: the choice of posting your photos online is yours and only yours. Not your partner. Not your family. Not your friends. Just yours. If it makes you feel good and safe to share them, just go ahead. On the other hand, if your desire is to keep those pictures private, then it is your right, no question asked.

That being said, we do encourage sharing your pictures with at least your loved ones and here is why:

Because you are also a source of inspiration to the people close to you.

You might think that only those massive influencers have an impact online, but we all get even more impacted by the people from our intimate circle. If someone we know does something we find inspiring, it will definitely make a long-lasting impression on us.

With your photos, you have the opportunity to inspire your loved ones, near or far. And we are not just talking about boudoir! Your showing that you've done something outside of your comfort zone will likely spark a fire for someone else to do the same.

It works with strangers too. If you only knew the amount of new Scandals who told us the reason they reached out was because they saw someone they could relate to on our page. How does it feel to be someone else's muse?! 

Breaking the code of unachievable beauty standards.

It's no secret that the media constantly promotes unachievable beauty standards. Even though we have seen some improvement, there is still a long way to go, and many more people left feeling like absolute garbage when staring at themselves in front of the mirror.

By sharing your photos, you are sharing what a body is really like. With the skin details, the little rolls, the curves, the bumps. THIS is how we break the mold. The more we can identify with who they see in the media, the less shame and pressure we will feel. And if we wait for the media to fix this for us, we are going to be here a while. The ball is in our court!

Being proud of yourself.

Hey, you did something outside the box, something many people would never dare to do. You left feeling great about yourself and ready to get familiar with this freshly discovered confidence. It is an achievement, and sharing achievements feels good. Toot your own horn for a minute (or two)!

The satisfaction of going against the grain.

This is more personal gain, but we can all agree that one of the best feelings ever is to be a bit rebellious. Yes, you know what we mean! Doing something that's generally frown upon for no reason at all…. It is so damn liberating and it leaves us wanting more. Just give yourself that satisfaction already!

Never forget that You can be a beautiful source of inspiration to someone you wouldn't expect and that you can provoke changes, even if it is just in your immediate surroundings.

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4 badass women forgotten by history

Part 1

Welcome to today’s special blog!

Many people have shaped the world the way it is now, some for the worst, but most for the best. Some we remember, others who have totally been erased even though they contributed to many positive changes. Today, instead of talking about boudoir or mindset, we want to share with you those strong women we admire who were forgotten by history.

Sappho of Lesbos

Sappho, AKA “the Poetess”, was born on the Greek island of Lesbos to an aristocratic family in around 620 BCE. She was a musician and considered as one of the greatest poets of her time. She invented and developed lyric poetry as well as a type of lyre and one of the major musical scale still used in jazz and blues music. Sappho was so popular that she became part “The Nine Lyric”, a goup of the most important and influential ancient Greek poets. Statues were erected in her honour and coins minted with her face and name on them.

But the Poetess wasn’t only known for her work. She had strong political views (which led her to be exiled to Sicily twice) and may have been gay. Because of the evidence of romantic interests in women from her poetry, there is a huge debate on wether or not she was homosexual (the terms “sapphic” and “lesbian”, both related to the love between women, are coming from “Sappho”).

I have not had one word from her

Frankly I wish I were dead
When she left, she wept

a great deal: she said to me, "This parting must be
endured, Sappho. I go unwillingly."

I said, "Go, and be happy
but remember (you know
well) whom you leave shackled by love

If you forget me, think
of our gifts to Aphrodite
and all the loveliness that we shared

all the violet tiaras,
braided rosebuds, dill and
crocus twined around your young neck

myrrh poured on your head
and on soft mats girls with
all that they most wished for beside them

while no voices chanted
choruses without ours,
no woodlot bloomed in spring without song."

(Barnard Translation, Sappho, 1)

Those rumors (and time) are the reasons why her work mostly disappeared. Legends claim her poems were purposefully destroyed by the medieval church to suppress lesbian love poetry, some of her work was also lost because it wasn’t translated and copied. Of the nine volumes of poetry she composed only one full poem survived while the rest are fragments. Her music sadly didn’t survive as well.

Sources: Wikipedia & World History Encyclopedia

Gladys Bentley

Gladys was a revolutionary American gender-bending jazz and blues singer, pianist, and entertainer during the Harlem Renaissance.

She was very famous for being boldly out, unashamed of her queer desires, and daring to be a cross-dresser (she usually presented herself in men's tuxedos and top hat but also wearing makeup).

She was born in 1907 to a working class family in Philadelphia. In an interview, Gladys mentioned the fact she always felt she was born different. At the age of 9, instead of feeling good in dresses, she stole her brother’s suits and begin to feel more confortable in boy’s clothes. She didn’t feel like her body represented who she was and knew she was attracted to women at an early age. Of course her parents disapproved and decided to bring her to doctors in hope to “cure” her and make her become a “normal woman”.

In order to live her life the way she wanted and fulfil her dream of becoming a musician, Gladys run away from home at the age of 16 and settled in Harlem.

In 1925 she applied for a job in a nightclub which was looking for a male piano player. After a little bit of convincing, the club agreed to let her audition and she got such a terrific applause that she was offered work on the spot! She soon became a headliner at clubs and theaters. Her song’s lyrics were famous for their bold content such as upsetting all the cultural norms about identity and her feelings towards women. And in 1928 she began a recording carrer that lasted for 20 years.


Despite being recognize for her talent, her look and lifestyle was overly criticized and she wasn’t viewed as a respectable person. Because homosexuality didn’t fit in christian beliefs at that time, people living this lifestyle were considered deviant and unworthy. In 1937 she moved to Los Angeles were unfortunately she faces more challenges in her performance (the state of California had anti-cross-dressing laws so she got banned often from clubs for dressing as a men).

Due to homophobia and society’s pressure, she ended up giving up on who she was to conform to the conservative norms. So she could keep performing and work, she began to wear dresses and married a man. She claimed that she took hormone treatments to become a woman again and live a normal existence.

Sources: Wikipedia & American Masters

Andrée Borrel - code named Denise

Andrée Borrel was a french woman who served in the French Resistance and an agent for Britain's clandestine Special Operations Executive. She was born to a working-class family on the outskirts of Paris in 1919.

At the age of 20 she enrolled in a crash course in nursing that she completed, which qualified her to serve as a nurse in the Association des Dames Françaises. After moving from one hospital to another, she met Lieutenant Maurice Dufour who was involved in one of the country’s largest underground escape networks called the Pat Line (it was a safe house to help Jews, British fighters, and Special Operations Executive agents flee German-controlled France). Unfortunately the network being ratted out, and compromised by the Germans, Andrée and Maurice have to escape and found refuge in England in 1942.

The same year she is recruited by SOE and trained to jump behind enemy lines, spy on, sabotage, and kill Axis troops occupying her home country. In September 1942 Andrée Borrel (and Lise de Baissac) are parachuted into France making them the first female combat agents to do so.

In 1943 she was captured by the Nazis and imprisoned around Paris. In July 1944 she is sent to Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp, were she was executed a month later at the age of 24.

Andrée was awarded several honors after her death in recognition of her extraordinary work.

Sources: Wikipedia & Military Spouse

Henrietta Lacks and her immortal cells

Henrietta Lacks was an African-American woman born in 1920 in Virginia as Loretta Pleasant (her family never knew why her name changed from Loretta to Henrietta).

In 1951 Henrietta starting feeling a “knot” in her womb and went to went to Johns Hopkins (which was the only hospital in the area that treated black patients at that time) and was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Without her permission or knowledge, two samples were taken from Lacks's cervix during her treatments. Researchers who studied those sample found that her cancel cells kept reproducing, ultimately making them immortal.

Unfortunately she died from her cancer a couple months after her treatment.

The HeLa cells survived, thrived, and multiplied outside her body, so much so that they have been in continual use in labs around the world for 65 years. They have contributed to many science wonders such as:

  • HPV vaccins;

  • Understanding how cells stay “young”;

  • Eradicating Polio;

  • Mapping the human genome;

  • Creating a field of virology.

Henrietta changed the face of medical history and got no recognition at that time. As was then the practice, no consent was required to culture the cells obtained from Lacks's treatment. Neither she nor her family were compensated for their extraction or use, and the Lacks family was not made aware of this discovery until 1975.

Sources: Wikipedia & Stat News

So many women have been erased by history or under the shadow of men. We want to bring back those badass women in the spotlight, so keep an eye open for part 2 (and probably 3 and 4 🤗)!

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Everyone is sensual

Sensuality… a big scary word. If you ask people how they would define sensuality, we can bet that most likely they will tell you it is somehow related to sexuality, and they would not be 100% wrong. It is very true that sexuality is a little part of it, but there is so much more to sensuality than sex only.

We already wrote a blog about sensuality so if you need a good reminder or if you want to learn more about it, we invite you to read it here. In today’s blog we will talk more about the shame and fear people can feel with the idea of being sensual.

Understanding sensuality

beautiful woman wearing black lacy lingerie and venetian mask on a black background with red curtains

A lot of people are having a hard time to let go to become the best version of themselves. Especially women. We are told from a very young age to not make too much noise, nor take too much space. We grew up hearing how slutty some clothing make us look and that we should always act in proper manners in order to be desired. When we spend so many years listening to people telling us how we should behave and what clothes we should wear, the idea of accepting ourselves as sensual beings can feel confusing and scary.

It is hard to reprogram our way of thinking, but believe us when we say everyone is sensual, it is just a matter of finding what this word means to you and how you want to incorporate it in your life.

It is also important to understand that those negative feeling you might have are only coming from the media or the environment you grew up in. Sensuality is still stigmatized because it is confused with sexuality (sex being a taboo topic 😒). As mentioned above, those two terms can be related but in a general way sensuality is the ability to be connected to all your senses and experience life in a more energetic way.

You can find sensuality in watching a beautiful sunset, eating a tasteful dish, moving your body freely to the rhythm of music, listening to your favourite music, smelling flowers, being naked in the softest clothes you own, feel the sun on your skin… But you can of course also experience those senses in the arms of your lover.

Sensuality is not just about sexual pleasure, it’s about the positive feelings and the level of happiness those moments are bringing into your life.

The first steps to take

If it is hard for you to feel sensual or you are telling yourself that you are absolutely not sensual, our first advice for you is to give more love to your body. Since sensuality is related to our senses, you cannot expect to experience it while having a bad relationship with your body.

Your body is not your enemy! Give it the same love and care you will give to your best friend. Learn to accept it fully, even the parts about yourself you don’t like. Here is what you can do when you have a moment to yourself alone:

  • Enjoy being nude

    Being naked is one of the best feeling in the world and it is so empowering. You can start just by spending time in your apartment topless wearing just your panties (read, watch a movie, water your plants, whatever task you fee like doing in the moment). Then once you are familiar with being topless, try again fully nude. It will feel weird at first but the more you practice the more you will enjoy it. It is also a great exercise to see your body nude in another scenario than showering or having sex.

  • Give your body compliments

    Once again even for the parts you don’t like about yourself. Strip down and go in front of a mirror (full body mirror if you have one). Look deeply at yourself and with kind eyes, and give yourself compliments. Yes it is a hard exercise and yes you might feel silly about doing it but trust us it will help a lot. Plus no one will never know so you have nothing to lose doing it.

  • Reconnect with your beautiful body

    Don’t be afraid to touch your skin, your curves, but not in a sexual way. Just to feel your own hands on yourself, activate your sense of touch, and feel the gentle sparks it is creating.

Changing the way we see ourselves starts with wanting to change and be willing to make those changes. We are not saying it is easy but it is mental. We have been conditioned to hate our body and think we need to “fix” it by the beauty industry so they could sell us products and services we don’t need. You are born with the body you have, and if that body doesn’t look like what you see on tv or in magazines, it does not mean your body is not beautiful or that you are not desirable.

Accepting your natural beauty and learning to love yourself will add so much power and freedom in your life.

Practice those exercises daily and it will get easier. Once you start to feel more at ease with the way you look and experience new things in life that will activate all of your senses, sensuality will become part of who your are.

gorgeous and nude black woman laying down in a bathtub in purple water

In our opinion sensuality is very important as it is a great tool to increase confidence and self-esteem. It also make you radiate positive energies and makes you glow ❤️

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