why wait — Blog — Scandaleuse | Inclusive Toronto Boudoir Photography

why wait

What are you waiting for?

We hear it too often:

“I really want to do a boudoir shoot, but not now!”

When Juliette and I talk about our photography work, people often express the desire to have a boudoir shoot done. They share about the fact they have been wanting to do it for a long time, that they are waiting for the right moment to do it, but never seem to know when it is.

The truth is, the perfect moment to do a boudoir shoot doesn’t exist! Of course, there are a couple of factors to take into consideration such as time and money (time because you need to be able to dedicate a good chunk of your day just for yourself, and money because a boudoir shoot is a little bit of an investment), but for the rest, it is mostly fear that makes people keep pushing back the idea of doing a boudoir session.

Yes, boudoir photography can be intimidating. But it is such a transformative experience and trust us when we say that the more you wait, the more you are missing out on something extraordinary!


Celebrate Your Present Self

If you feel proud of who you are right now, then celebrating yourself with a boudoir shoot is a really great idea! Maybe you got out of a toxic relationship, or you changed carrier for something more fulfilling, or maybe you are turning a certain age and feel fabulous, then you deserve to treat yourself for all the hard work you had to do to in order to be where you are today.

It takes a lot of courage to make the changes we need to be happier in life, so we hope that you can see how strong and badass you are! A boudoir shoot is the perfect gift to capture that strength 💪

Reconnect To Your Body

So many of our clients dislike their body, and every time it breaks our hearts to hear how they talk about themselves:

“I hate myself!”

“Ugh, I am so ugly!”

“I am fat, it is awful!“

“I wish I could have a different body!“

For way too long, society has taught us to see our body as an enemy by creating beauty standards, and conditioned us to make them our reality. It is so deeply rooted that every part of ourselves that don’t follow those standards became “imperfections” that have to be destroyed. The result is that we are now so disconnected from our body we forget that without it, we will not exist. We focus on what we believe we “should look like”, completely put our sensuality on the side, and replace it with bitterness.

Doing a boudoir shoot is an important step to reconnect with your sensuality, and start loving your body for its natural beauty. So if this resonates with you, then this is the right moment to do it!

The Middle Finger You Sometime Need To Give

There is no better sweet revenge than doing something that makes you feel super confident other people find scandalous. There is a moment in life where we get tired of people’s judgment and being pressured to live a life that isn’t what we truly want. When you reach to that moment, your inner rebel takes control and encourages you to do stuff that make you feel proud of yourself.

When you do a boudoir shoot, you try an experience that allows you to become your own sexy and sensual version of yourself, and this is so freaking liberating.

It feels like giving an empowered middle finger to all the shitty things people have told you and done to you. You don’t want to wait forever to feel this way 😎

Life Is Unpredictable

This is going to be a big cliché, but there is so much truth there: life is too short to be waiting for the perfect moment!

I, Fanny, recently lost a family member, and it was very sudden. She was young, she was travelling with her husband, and she died. Her death was a sad reminder that you never know when it is time for you to leave this earth, and it feels like a slap in the face. Either it is death, an accident, or any other life's uncertainties, there may never be a "right time" to embark on this journey. The more you wait, the more you take the risk that it never happens.

If you want to try boudoir photography, stop overthinking it and just do it! You will never regret having a boudoir shoot done, but you might regret not doing it…

As you can see, the beauty of a boudoir shoot isn’t in waiting for the ideal version of yourself; it’s about celebrating exactly who you are today. Every curve, every scar, every feature tells your story, and that story deserves to be honoured. Boudoir photography is about embracing your present self with love and courage, because you are already enough, already beautiful.

Speaking of now or never: we are having a Holiday boudoir special so you can treat yourself with our mini boudoir sessions for the holidays, and give a very special gift to a very special someone at the same time! Click below for the details!

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