Frequently asked questions

You have questions, we got answers! Contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for!

  • We are currently based in Toronto, West of the Junction (Dundas & Runnymede) and occasionally Paris, France

  • Everybody over the age of 18. You're a human being? That's all you need :)

  • You have a few options to get your boudoir adventure started:

  • You will always be talking to either Juliette or Fanny. We handle things from beginning to end and we do it quick. All emails are answered within 1 business day. Our editing is also in house and our turnaround time are in average 3 weeks for your final product.

  • Both of us! We noticed that shooting together makes our models more comfortable and it also guarantees you a great variety in your shoot since you have two set of eyes at your disposal! We work faster & better together.

  • First, we schedule a complimentary consultation to see what you have in mind.

    Then, we have set up an experience package with the following: 2-hour boudoir shoot, makeup and hair, location, unlimited outfits & set-ups.

    A selection of photographs will be available either the same day of your shoot (if you decide to do your reveal session after your boudoir session), or 2 weeks after your shoot. This is during this reveal session that you can choose to purchase the photos you like the best.

    We are also in charge of coaching you down to your fingertips during the session and have put together some helpful guidelines to make your experience unique and smooth.

    Concerning the final product, we deliver digital files first but have great printing options available for albums and individual prints.

  • We work from soft boudoir to full nudity. We do not take pictures of sexual acts or sexual fantasies.

  • Yes we do! Please note that while we have no problem with men posing nude, we do not photograph sexual acts or fantasies.

  • Not unless you give us written permission. While we are proud of our work and would love to show you off, your privacy is more important and we understand that you may not want to us to use your photos. Once you book your boudoir shoot, you will receive a release form in which you can decide if we can use your pictures or not.

  • To play it safe, we suggest planning a month in advance for individual and couple sessions. While we can't guarantee it, we can sometimes accommodate last-minute sessions, so feel free to reach out anyway!

  • Yes! We have set up payment plans up to 3 instalments on all of our packages, at no extra cost and with flexile timelines of your choosing.

  • Yes! We work with a few wonderful make-up artists and hairstylists. But if you want to take care of your own makeup and hairstyle, we will remove $120 off the price of your session fee.

  • Once your selection is made during your reveal session, we will start a more thorough editing. When your files are ready, you will receive them via your own private online gallery. Contrary to other studios, we deliver your photos in high quality (print quality) directly without an additional fee, nor watermarks.

  • You are welcome to bring one person (friend or family member) for support if you wish, however we do not allow your +1 to take photos or videos during your session.

  • YES! Being flexible is really important to us. Our shoots and packages are customizable and can be adapted to your need. For example you can ask to have a shoot that is longer than 2 hours, you can mix indoors and outdoors shoot, you can go in-between packages,... Don't hesitate to reach out so we can make your vision come to life!

  • Of course! Like we said, we shoot boudoir for everyone.

  • Yes & no. Our editing motto is that we remove everything that is temporary. Meaning that if you were to have a pimple the day of your session, we can take care of it in post. We do not change your body shape or make you thinner/bigger.

    If you have specific part of your body you would like to highlight or not, you can let us know about these during our consultation and will pose you accordingly during your shoot.

    Concerning potential scars, birthmarks, mistake tattoos, stretch marks, it is entirely up to you: we can edit or smoothen those if you wish.

  • Absolutely not, we have clients from all ages! (as long as you are over 18 we are good ;) )

  • You have a body to begin with, and that's all you need! You do not need to be a professional model or be a certain way to do a boudoir shoot! Scandaleuse is fighting against beauty standards and we are proud to have clients from all genders, shapes & sizes! We believe that everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their own skin.

  • Absolutely and our rates stay the same! Contact us for more information.