renaissance — Blog — Scandaleuse | Inclusive Toronto Boudoir Photography


Check out our Unstoppable photo exhibit

It’s a wrap! Our Unstoppable 3.0 photo exhibit was on October 7th, and it was a success! We sold around 90 tickets and were able to get $2000 for the 2 charities we raised funds for: After Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Canada.

Since our exhibit is over, we can finally share with you all the photographs! This collection includes 19 photos, divided into 4 distinct sets, and we'd love to give you some insight into the story behind them.

When we started to brainstorm about the photoshoot, it was really important for us to work with women who were breast cancer patients and survivors to showcase different type of bodies and breasts, as most of them have undergone single or double mastectomies, some with breast reconstructions and some without.

We also wanted to illustrate the struggle of body-acceptance for breast cancer survivors, especially after a single or double mastectomy. It’s an unfortunate reality that breasts are often tied to ideas of femininity and sexuality. The emotional and mental impact on women when their bodies are changed in such a significant way is barely discussed. They are left feeling less beautiful, less feminine, and less worthy.

This exhibit is our way of showing our support, love, and admiration to all the women who are dealing with breast cancer 💗

Set 1

For the 1st set, we asked all of these beautiful women to start by covering themselves, except 3 of them, to showcase them as pioneers towards self-acceptance.

It was important that most of the models hide themselves and look away from the camera, to also show the feeling of loneliness breast cancer can make you feel. We use red as primary colour for the fabrics to show the pain, heartbreaks, and internal fights those women have to go through.


Set 2

The 2nd one was created with the idea of showing more women slowly uncovering, with the support of the first 3 models, and feeling more comfortable with their naked body.

In this set, we really wanted to recreate a boudoir room, with bright and light colours to bring a feeling of peace and happiness, in which our models are taking care of each other to represent the power of sisterhood and showcase the importance of having a feminine circle to fight the loneliness you can see in the set before.


Set 3

The 3rd set is the "no f*cks given" set, designed to be bold and defiant.

In this set, ours models are fully showing their breast and feeling more confident with their bodies. We chose royal colours such as gold to highlight their power and courage! We wanted something unapologetic and for these women to make a statement:

They will not hide any longer!


Set 4

The last one is s heavily influenced by the Renaissance era, and is all about rest and reflection to continue their healing process.

In this set, we used blue and purple colours for the fabrics, as we wanted to create a relaxed and serene atmosphere, symbolizing the achievement of self-love and the unity of a newfound community.

It was also very important to pose them in the most soften ways possible to showcase their natural bodies, and emphasize that stillness state.


Doing this 3rd edition of our Unstoppable serie was once again a beautiful journey rich in emotions, and it was a true pleasure meeting wonderful human beings! In case you were not at the opening night of this exhibit, we hope you enjoyed seeing the photos in this blog article and the story behind this project.

We want to thank all the fabulous people who have helped us created such a beautiful event, we are forever grateful!