Blog — Scandaleuse | Inclusive Toronto Boudoir Photography

You should have a picture of yourself naked

Since the beginning of time, there has been this curiosity around illustrating the naked body. Painting, photography, sculpture (any kind of art, truly)!. And it is because bodies are beautifully fascinating. Yes, even yours! And it is definitely worth capturing it, one way or another.

Hold on though, we are not talking about slamming it on a billboard for everyone to see, we are talking about the act of posing naked, the power behind it and the wonderful memento you get to have out of it.

So why should you want a badass naked photo of yourself?


Because you never get the chance to see your full body, nude, from a distance, and even from the back. 

That's a pretty simple answer, but, oh, so true. You can only see your body from your point of view and the odd (and not always flattering!!) photo taken by someone else. You also rarely see your full body and you definitely don't see the back of it much. 

Having a well-done photo of your naked self taken gives you the chance to see your body with an entire different perspective. It brings objectivity to the table which is a powerful tool in itself to take down body insecurities and work on potential body-dysmorphia. It helps you realize that, no, your vision is definitely different from what you thought and might even be inaccurate. 

Because you are turning vulnerability into power. 

Being fully naked, without anything to hide you is one of the most vulnerable states you could be in. This is the real you. When you decide to step into this, you are becoming one with your vulnerability and are turning it into power.

You are taking on the challenge and showing up for yourself and that, my friend, is the ultimate confidence token you could give yourself. 

Because you are going against the grain

Posing naked can truly satisfy your inner rebel. It is still to this day considered "frowned upon", "not proper", or even "shameful". When you decide to do it anyway, this feeling of showing your middle finger to all of those judgments is so empowering and liberating. And this has an impact on everything you touch afterwards: you won't let shit stand in your way as easily, scout's honour!

Because it's a way to own your body and honour it.

If you have spent a good chunk of your life deprecating your body, the best treatment would be to get a naked image of yourself taken. This is a way to bring back objectivity and detachment in how you see yourself. To bring clarity to a cloudy vision. 

If your body has changed a lot over the years, whether it was planned or not, this experience is the perfect opportunity to reclaim your self-image and get acquainted with this "new"  body of yours. 

And because Moira Rose says it best…

Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now.


There you have it. If the idea of owning a photo of yourself naked has been tickling you for a while, give yourself this chance. Don't chalk it off to a "superficial" experience, it isn't. Its effects will linger, provoke some necessary changes within you and give you the push you were looking for to achieve what you want.

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How to calm your nerves before doing a boudoir shoot

Do you feel like a boudoir session could be exactly what you need to do for yourself but a fear is standing in the way? That's totally normal and even… expected. Before you talk yourself out of a wonderful experience, let's go over the main blocks you may encounter when you think about a boudoir photoshoot.


Ditch the fear of being ridiculous

This one is probably the most dominant one. Isn't boudoir reserved only for perfect-looking people, based on all of the photos we see around?

Absolutely not. If anything, it is quite the opposite. The boudoir field has changed drastically in the past decade. It has become a wonderful artistic and therapeutic tool to reconnect with yourself and your body, instead of exclusively showcasing lingerie models. All bodies are now be in their deserving spotlight, no matter the type, shape and age!

We can't even give you a more dominant audience in our field, as we work with people between their early thirties and early 60s, all with different backgrounds and stories.

Now, you may be wondering: “okay, that's great, but you still need to be a minimum photogenic and know what to do with yourself”

Here is the secret: everyone is photogenic but not everyone has received the right guidance to be so. And guess what? It's not your job to figure this out on your own.

A professional photographer should be able to guide you to pose so you don't have to think about and can just learn useful tips. They will know the right angles, to flattering poses and everything you need to get photos that look like you but make you feel like a million bucks!

Take the time to prep to ease your nerves

We underestimate how fun prepping for the session is, but also how helpful it is to feel more confident stepping into your session.

Gathering clothing options you feel your best in, trying new pieces, thinking of fun props, looking for inspiration for hair, makeup, poses, vibes… All of these are key to feel more at peace before you even step in front of the camera.


Ask all the questions you need

Boudoir photography is not your area of expertise, so of course you can ask every question in the book! There are no silly questions, so if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, whether it is about the actual booking process or advice on an outfit, just reach out and ask. Any professional is happy to offer guidance on what they do best!

Kick-in-the-butt punchline: You will never regret doing your photoshoot, but you will definitely regret NOT doing it.

One of the main feedback we receive from our clients after their session is: “I wish I had done this sooner".

Like anything you wish to do for your well-being, you will definitely feel the weight of regret if you initiate the first step (aka gathering the courage to inquire for a session and tell your story) but don't follow through. Don't let this haunt you!

There you have it, your go-to guide for calming those pre-boudoir shoot nerves. Remember, it's all about having fun and celebrating you. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections, shift your mindset to appreciate and love your body as it is. Trust that your photographer is there to capture your beauty in its purest form and that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

Get ready to embark on a beautiful and powerful journey, it would be a shame to miss out on it!

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When celibacy makes you lose touch with your sensuality

Here we go, another blog not super easy to write about but definitely needed, as sometimes it feels great to put words on paper! Today, it is my turn (Fanny) to write about some inner battles that have been happening for quite a while.

I have been sick for a week now, nothing serious, but it is making me feel sad, vulnerable, and weak. And you know how it goes, when we feel low, we have the tendency to think about the past. So lately I keep thinking of the decision I took 2 years and half ago to celibate, but most importantly the consequences of that decision.


His words were the last straw!

In October 2021, I was dating this guy, and one night while we were being intimate, he said to me:

“You are so thin, I could break you!”

Yeah, who says this kind of things, especially while being intimate with someone, right? You will be surprised on how many times men have said shitty things to me. I was shocked and preferred to ignore his comment, but this sentence stuck to my mind (two years later, I am still thinking about it). It was hard for me to hear this as when I was younger I was bullied in middle school for being a small body person. And even though I became more resilient with time against this type of comments, sometimes it still hurts. Especially when I am in a vulnerable moment. But I guess it was the extra push I needed in order to change a few things about my relationships.

Even if I have been lucky to never be in an abusive relationship, my relationship with men has always been complicated: I have been cheated on (classic!), ghosted, lied to so many times, told awful comments... I was also in a 4 years relationship where my partner was secretly keeping track of our sexuality on an Excel spreadsheet. So romantic, isn’t it?

I never seemed to attract the right type of man, but I believe that I was unconsciously attracting what I was looking for. I have always been afraid of commitment, and never really trusted my partners. So self-sabotaging by being with the wrong people was easy!

The change I needed, and it felt great…

After that comment, my body and sexuality shut done instinctively, and I was over men and dating. My libido left the country! Celibating became surprisingly very natural, and I honestly I didn’t plan it to last that long.

The first year felt amazing, and it created so many positive changes in my way of being! I have always been a sexual and sensual person. That sensuality felt like it was my whole personality, from the way I was dressing up to my way of interacting with people, and the energy I was putting out there. But when I took the decision to remove sex from my life, my sensuality disappeared too as it felt like I didn’t need it anymore:

  • I changed my wardrobe, prioritizing long and comfy over of short and tight.

  • I started to see men as potential friends instead of potential lovers, which changed the way I was interacting with them.

  • My body language changed too, became more chill than seductive.

I never realized the amount of energy it took to be my past seductive-self, so focusing on a different part of my personality made me feel lighter. Opening Scandaleuse Photgraphy with Juliette and being a boudoir photographer helped me a lot with body acceptance and increasing my confidence level. But going into celibacy felt like it was the next step I needed in my personal development journey.

… until it didn’t anymore!

Unfortunately, I took it too far without even noticing (with every transformation comes its opposite effect). Since in the past I was using my body to seduce, the fact I shut down my sensuality made me fall into body neutrality and I now feel completely disconnected from it. When I look at myself in the mirror, I can tell I am a pretty woman and I like what I see but in a neutral way. I am able to tell myself there is nothing wrong with my body, but I don’t feel that proudness of looking good anymore. When I think of my body, I feel out of it!

To a point where it is becoming hard to like pictures of myself as I don’t feel impressed. The last time Juliette and I took some boudoir photographs of ourselves for marketing purpose, I was really harsh with myself. And yesterday, when I was looking for a picture of me to illustrate this blog, I cried at my past photographs because I miss the feeling of looking at a photo and being able to tell myself: “Damn, I look hot!”.

On top of that, the idea of being intimate with someone again scares me. This body neutrality has decreased my self-love level and makes me feel less confident and less seductive. Instead of taking a break like I initially wanted, I unintentionally shut down my heart to love others, in a way also to myself, and created a fear I never had before.

I have thought in the past that being sensual was maybe an act, a mask I was putting on to make myself seem more interesting to others, but I was so wrong. Sensuality is part of me, it’s the fire that I need to keep LOVING. Without it, I don’t recognize myself, so it is time to find it back!

Boudoir photography to the rescue!

And the best tool for that is a boudoir shoot to help me reappropriate my body and let my sensuality shine again. Even if we take some photos of ourselves for the business, doing a shoot just for me is a different experience. Boudoir has this therapeutic power that really helps you regain confidence. During the shoot you get the opportunity to wear outfits that make you feel like your most badass-self, you pose in ways that are very flattering for your body, and you get the opportunity to express all your personalities.

Definitively a powerful and transformative experience!

Even if I do not recognize myself lately, I do not regret the decision to celibate because it happened so naturally. This has taught me a lot about myself, and it is the best way to grow!

I am so grateful Juliette and I can self-reflect by writing when we feel like it. We believe that there is no shame in sharing about your personal journeys, and it is a great way to spread awareness on issues others might be dealing with too.

We wanted to thank everyone from our community for being supportive and listening (in this case reading) to what we have to say 💛. Let us know in comments if you can relate to this or if it has happened to you in the past (or any thoughts you have when reading this story)!

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How boudoir shoots increased our confidence on every level

Since we opened Scandaleuse, both of us have been posing in boudoir settings for many reasons. To know what it actually feels like, to have content to share with our community, to be creative… But we often forget to talk about how it actually changed us too. There is definitely a before boudoir and after boudoir, even for us.


The expectations VS reality of boudoir.

Boudoir is usually thought as something you do for someone, likely a partner. People get in the mindset that they have to illustrate somebody else's fantasy, only to benefit them. We don't agree with that.

Boudoir should be done for yourself first. It's a way to get quality time with yourself, reclaim your body, see it in a new light. It's a chance to just exist without judgement and expectations. And it comes with long lasting effects you wouldn't know until you try. Even ourselves didn't know that before stepping in front of the lens. We have now been posing for 5 years and can confidently share all of the beautiful changes boudoir have done for us.

The given: we feel beautiful.

There is a lot of power behind feeling beautiful. A new energy emanates out of you, everything around you just feels lighter. It already feels wonderful in a regular setting but imagine feeling beautiful without your clothes on, which we aren't told to even think about. Now that's unlocking the next level of feel good vibes for sure!

The removal of negative body vision.

Rare are the ones who can tell they absolutely love their bodies. And who can blame us? We grow up naturally comparing ourselves to others and to beauty standards shaped by society. When something is not considered “beautiful", we are told to either hide it or to work hard to improve it. It is very easy to end up with a very negative vision of our appearance that follows us for years. For many of us, it even turns into body-dysmorphia.

Seeing our bodies repeatedly on photos without clothes on showed us what our bodies actually look like, and that is far away from what the crappy vision we had.

Don't get us wrong, it was scary at first, even for us. But what a slap in the face it was to see our bodies in an objective light. Turns out our "flaws” were not that flawed.

We are not afraid of our "sexy” sides anymore.


If you were to ask us 10 years ago if we thought we were sexy, we would have awkwardly laughed and say absolutely not. It was just inconceivable to even think it. Another prejudice we deal with: wanting to feel sexy, while being completely natural, is "wrong” so we just avoid it.

Doing boudoir photoshoots showed us that:

  1. Feeling sexy comes in many many ways, very few of them are even being related to sex and none of them are related to pleasing someone else.

  2. There is SO much power behind this feeling. Looking at our boudoir photos make us feel strong and badass as hell.

  3. We had been severely missing out on it.

Deconstructing the shame around something leads to turning it into confidence. And that works for anything.

What about the impact on the confidence then?

Tapping into all of these points has led us to a pretty rock solid confidence in ways we didn't even imagine:

• Reclaiming our bodies made us shut down the negative voices of our surroundings and instead focus on what WE feel good in and show it.

• Boudoir has successfully and positively forced us out of our comfort zone. This made it a lot less scary to try other experiences like that we didn't think we would ever try.

• Doing something that is considered shameful or frown upon by many and, again, ending up having a wonderful outcome has not only removed a lot of our fears but also comforted us in all of our choices afterwards. Even when people disagreed, even if it was unconventional. We just realized we were a lot strong than we thought.

After all, isn't confidence about having a "no fucks given” energy?

We went from shy, insecure beings to free, empowered and proudly sensual women. To this day, we use our boudoir shoot as reminders when we feel down or discouraged. These versions of ourselves were always there, they were just quiet and hard to uncover. Now, we hold on to them tight and cherish them.

And you should too. Set yours free and let it shine.

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The social aspect of boudoir photography

Juliette and I have never been part of those people who work only for money and security. We need our work to follow our personal values, and we want to contribute to make positive changes in our society. We are not saying we are changing the world but on our level we are creating positive impacts in our clients’ life, and we try as much as possible to spread awareness on social issues we care about.

Boudoir photography is our way to do so!


Such a transformative experience

When we opened Scandaleuse Photography 6 years ago, we wanted to showcase the beauty of the woman body in an artistic way. We build a community and stayed in touch with our Scandals. We were amazed to hear and read what our past clients were saying about their experience with us and how transformative the shoots were for them. Some of them told us they ended up toxic relationships, others quitted their job they did not like anymore… Witnessing those people changing their life because posing half naked in front of our lenses gave them the courage to do so, is a true honour for us and it gives us a feeling of purpose.

If you never try boudoir photography, it might be difficult to understand how a shoot can help someone feel more confident in their life to a point where it makes drastic changes. Let us explain:

Boudoir photography is not like any other type of photography (at least, the way we do it). It is rare to meet people who feel 100% confident in their own skin and who accept their body fully the way it is. Most of our clients are first timers, and the idea of posing in lingerie (or naked) in front of photographers can be nerve wracking for them. It takes a lot of courage to make yourself vulnerable and try something new that makes you feel nervous. So when you finally do a boudoir shoot, feel good showing your body in front of people you don’t know, and find yourself beautiful in those pictures, this experience gives you the wings to keep pushing yourself to do other scary things.

We like to stay that once you strip down in front of two strangers, nothing else in life can stop you 🔥.

People’s backgrounds & stories

Being boudoir photographers also gives us the chance to meet incredible people who are going through tough times in their life.

Some of our clients were in abusive relationships that completely destroyed them and they were looking for ways to build back their confidence and reappropriate their body. We work with transgender people who are fighting to exist in the gender they wished they were born with, when society doesn’t make it easy for them. We had clients who are dealing with breast cancer and wanted to immortalise their body before it changes. Few years ago we took pictures of a woman who was in a wheelchair, and wanted to celebrate herself and showcase that even if you are disable you are still a sensual human being.

Listening to so many life stories and seeing our clients fighting so many battles makes our work as boudoir photographers reach another level that we truly love. It is not about just taking beautiful pictures but helping people feel amazing about themselves.

This social side of boudoir photography makes our boudoir photography business so important to us, and we cannot wait to see where it will take us!

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The best props we have seen on boudoir shoots

Contrary to popular beliefs, boudoir photography is extremely versatile. It can be far from the classic bed photos in black & white. To us, boudoir is THE way to express yourself and make you feel sexy the way YOU want.

For some of us, feeling confident and sexy may involve a traditional set of lingerie. But to others, it is not what rocks their boats.

Over the past few years, we have seen many people beautifully bringing their own twists to their shoots to be the most badass versions of themselves and feel comfortable. Here are the most memorable props or themes they brought to the table, for our greatest pleasure!


Cosplay Outfits


My goodness, did we have a blast with this one! The essence of our work is anything badass so how could not be excited when Cin pulled out their homemade cosplay armor and cape!?

We remember them feeling a bit odd to bring those initially, but our very obvious excitement quickly turned those feelings into pure fun. Cosplay is a big part of Cin's life, it was a beautiful way to embrace it fully and look a like superhero.


Themed props


Sometimes, focusing on bringing specific props for a specific theme can really help you feel more comfortable posing. It makes you feel like you are playing a slightly different version of you, and just this can take the pressure off your shoulders. We have seen for example pin-up or other vintage outfits, which turn out stunning on photos and make us shoot in a different way as well. Themed props are also fantastic to make a special occasion, like a birthday or anniversary, just like Lily did for her session.


Glamorous Gowns


Why keep something simple when you can go extra? Alex brought to light a hot pink tulle gown that would make you wonder if you are not a nonchalant goddess in a vintage movie. (sigh)

Since her session, we actually came across our new partner, Great North Gowns, who is renting those stunning gowns for photoshoots, so you can still enjoy the glam but not have it drown your closet! We couldn't help but try ourselves and swimming in an ocean of tulle was magical. Definitely recommend!




Yes, you read that right, you can bring your furry companions! We LOVE having pets on shoots, because a) they make you feel at home and b) we get to sneak some cuddles.

We have yet to see a husky to have a wolf like shoot, just throwing it out there!


Kitchen props


For many people, getting in front of a camera in such a vulnerable context is challenging. That's why we encourage creating little stories about what you love doing and incorporate that in your shoot. Many of our clients are cooking aficionados and we really loved making this part of themselves shine through boudoir.


Anything related to a passion


Let's be honest: chances are whatever you do as a hobby makes you feel badass. It's probably one of the main reasons you're even doing it.

So why not bring those to give yourself an extra layer of confidence? We have photographed people with roller skates, pleasers, guitars, bikes, magic cards, all of those with a boudoir twist!


Food & Drinks


That might surprise you, but we have done a LOT of sessions involving fake or real alcohol. Not only can it ease your nerves (moderately of course!) but we can all admit we feel like a million bucks all dolled up and holding a glass of champagne or whisky. Bringing food can also be a great way to contribute to creating little scenarios around your session.

As you can see see, a boudoir shoot is truly a creative opportunity to shine as yourself. Don't worry about "fitting in" or copying traditional photos, it is a lot more fun to bring out what makes you YOU. We are looking forward to seeing what you will bring to the table and capture it all!

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We opened our first studio

Back in 2017, two little French women decided to leave their full-time jobs in Toronto to start what had been a dream for many years: open their own boudoir photography business. Filled with ambition and willpower, they've given it everything and have built the small empire brick by brick, hoping to, one day, reach their next dream: having their own studio.

Now in 2024, we are very proud to say that we have finally started this adventure and now have our home away from home.


What were we doing before?

You are not without knowing that the renting market in Toronto is getting worse every day. Back in 2017, it was already the case and definitely out of reach for a sprouting business. Since we couldn’t afford our space, we were just renting multiple ones on a shoot by shoot basis.

We are not going to lie, it was pretty neat and we are keeping this option available to us even now. It's been a great way for us to keep our creativity up high, to adapt to our clients’ vision and just enjoy somebody else's place.

But after 7 years of business and 11 in Canada, we grew tired of not finding our own vibe.

Combining missing home and our new adventure

It took us a good 6 months to gather the courage to venture in the commercial rental world. Having the same business model for so long made us feel comfortable and safe but also… bored. During the summer of 2023, it was pretty clear both of us had lost our spark and we needed to find it again.

Funny enough, we had some rough ideas of the layout of the studio we initially wanted: open concept, bricks and beams, industrial… But when we actually visited the one we are in now, a completely different vision just manifested itself. Scrap it all, we are going to create multiple rooms with a strong, authentic, Parisian aesthetic. And we made it happen.

If you don't know it already, we are both originally from France. While we love the life we’ve built in Canada for the past decade, we were getting to a point where our homesick episodes were sneakily showing up more often than not. We'd been missing our roots and its aesthetics for a while and having this space to remind us of home has been a blast so far.


Creating your own space VS renting different ones

Yes, we have only had our space for only a few months, but already, the perks we have noticed are pretty amazing.

1) The freedom to transform the space the way we want to.

We have created 3 different rooms and 3 different vibes, and we didn't have to depend on somebody else's vision.

2) Nobody is living in it, so it is fully adapted for creators.

The majority spaces we used to rent were real people's lofts, so naturally, they have their lives in it and plenty of not-so-pretty things, like every living space has.

3) No more worrying about finding the right place at the right time.

It was always quite a stressful aspect of our job: our clients have a limited schedule and lofts get booked often. As if this wasn't challenging enough, we've also had a couple of nightmare situations when the landlords “forgot” we were coming and ghosted us when we were at the door with our clients.

4) We can make a mess!

We didn't expect this to be such a perk, but before, we obviously had to put the place back exactly the way we found it, so we were juggling between shooting and cleaning up as we went. On our space, we have all the time in the world to put it back together afterwards, which allowed us to extend our time with our beloved clients.

5) We can rent it out to other creators

This is a freshly new endeavour we’ve taken: our beautiful apartment is available to rent by the hour for any type of creators! It's so cool to be able to give what we were given for so long.

What about the downsides?

With every new adventure comes some uncomfortable feelings and not-so-fun aspects. Fortunately, we only see a few downsides compared to our previous ways.

1) The rent.

Of course, we now have an official extra rent on top of our personal ones and let me tell you, that's a good pressure on our shoulders. It's not just about sustaining ourselves anymore and it's the first time we've had to deal with this. To make a business grow, you have to take some risks, but it doesn't stop the fear it brings.

2) The possibility of getting bored…?

Being used to shoot in different spaces, we considered before taking on this project that, maybe, we would get tired of our space. Now, of course it is too soon to tell, but even so, we feel it will be very easy to counter, as we have the freedom to do whatever the hell we want.

Hopefully it stays this way (and hopefully we can pay rent ha!). We are very excited to share more with you about this beautiful space and how our vision came to be. Stay tuned…

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5 tips to get ready for your boudoir shoot

You gathered your courage and finally booked your boudoir shoot? Yay, congrats!
So… now what? Do you just wait until your date and wing it?
Well, you can, but you can also do a few simple things to make the most out of this experience and enjoy it even more.


The shoot itself is an amazing experience, but preparing for it is also so much fun! It IS really nice to think about your outfits, your vibe, your looks.. It builds up the excitement, gives you some butterflies… All of the good stuff!

So, if you are looking for those butterflies and are not sure where to start, here are 5 simple ways to get ready for your boudoir session:

1) Look online for inspiration

Chances are, you probably did that before even inquiring, but if so, keep adding to it and if not, time to get some Pinterest out of you! Grab a glass of wine and get browsing! Search what boudoir means to you, think about some atmospheres, themes, poses and lighting you like and pin away! Not only it is a super fun process, but it is helpful for us as well as photographers to know what makes your heart sing.

Extra tip: Don’t worry about finding people who look like you, this is a vibe we are looking for, not photos to copy and paste. Try to ignore the poses as well, a lot of the ones we find online are performed by super bendy people and often edited in post.

2) Start working on your posture

Yep, time to straighten that back! Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because adjusting your posture makes you stand tall and brings up confidence. Boudoir is all about making that confidence shine, so let's take it everywhere we can!

Extra tip: No need to overthink it, simply practice bringing your shoulder blades closer together and picture a thread pulling you from the top of your head. Et voilà!

3) Plan your outfits

Oh this is a goodie. Contrary to popular beliefs, you don't necessarily need to wear standard lingerie for your boudoir shoot. If anything, we are more looking for outfits you feel amazing and beautiful in, as it is very easy to bring a boudoir twist to clothes.

Any outfits can be turned into a boudoir one. What matters is what makes you feel like YOU. That's what we want to capture. So if you want to rock some lace, by all means, go for it, but if you are feeling more of a joggers/loose t-shirt vibe, then it is awesome too! Have fun with it!

Extra tip: Plan a solid top 3 of your favourite outfits and bring extra, even some bits and pieces you aren't sure to do what with. Chances are we may see something you haven't. If you need more inspiration, we wrote a blog post about the 5 best props we've seen on shoots, you can read it here.


4) Practice in the mirror

With you have a full length mirror at home, it is time to put it to use! Take a moment to try on your outfits, see what poses you like, check what your favourite parts of your body are and even if you have a preferred side. This little exercise, especially if boudoir is a bit challenging for you, will only make your session easier.

If you feel like you would just be hard on yourself, then ditch this step, focus on the others and just follow our lead the day of. For some of us, it can be difficult to face ourselves and keep it positive and that's okay. We will do it for you!

Extra tip: we have a complete online guide to experiment with boudoir at home and its costs is 100% redeemable on your boudoir session or package.

5) Prep a playlist

It is no secret that music leads the mood. It helps you relax and makes you feel like the main character in your story! All of our lofts have speakers ready to connect with your device, so have fun creating a playlist that makes you feel like the badass and sexy being you are!

Extra tip: check out our Scandaleuse playlist on Spotify! We have a bit of everything to get those good vibes out of you

Now you have all the tools you need to get beautiful ready for your boudoir shoot! Enjoy the pre-shoot process as much as you can, it is a big part of your experience, it would be a shame to miss out on it!

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Do we provide lingerie for our boudoir shoots?

We often receive inquiries in which people ask us if we provide lingerie during our boudoir shoots. It is indeed pretty common for Canadian boudoir photographers to offer this service (definitively not common in France thought, so we would be curious to know what photographers from other countries think about that).

We are assuming people like the idea of having access to more “luxurious” lingerie sets so we understand why this type of service can be wanted, but it is not something we are currently doing. Our reasons are based on our branding and personal taste, we are absolutely not denigrating our fellow photographers for choosing to provide lingerie to their clients!

Before scrolling down, can you guess what our 3 main reasons are?

  1. Body Diversity

    Reason #1 is the logistic aspect. Since we opened Scandaleuse Photography 6 years ago, we have opened our doors to people of every shape and sizes! So if we were to include lingerie in our sessions, we would need to have a lingerie store in order to keep being body inclusive and give our clients plenty of choices.

    We think providing lingerie is a great option for photographers who photograph mostly the same type of bodies (such as professional models for example) or the ones who only want to offer a few pieces to their clients.

  2. Outfit Diversity

    Reason #2 is that, in our opinion, it is important to not feel like you are wearing a disguise when you do a boudoir shoot. We always suggest to our clients (AKA our Scandals) to wear outfits that make them feel like their most confident, sensual, sexy, badass, or whatever else - self they want to feel. We tell them to be creative and think outside the box when it comes to their boudoir outfits, especially if a traditional set of lingerie is not their thing.

    Also, we all have different personalities. Sometimes we want to be sexy, other time cozyness is a priority, one day we feel wearing black clothes, the next day we choose colours… Bringing your own outfit is also a great way to create different sets and moods during your shoot. So if we were to provide lingerie to our Scandals it would be too restrictive, which is the opposite of what Scandaleuse is about: allowing yourself to give the spotlight to all your personalities instead of making you fit into the mold!

  3. Is It Really Hygienic?

    Even it is safe to assume all pieces are being washed after each client when photographers provide lingerie during their shoots, we personally don’t find that this practice is super hygienic. Maybe some people don’t mind it, but personally we would not feel comfortable wearing thongs or panties that multiple people had worn before us.

    When you do a shoot, especially if it is your first time, you want to make sure you are as relax as you can, so if you spend half of the session worrying about the cleanliness of what you are wearing it could make you tense and ruin your boudoir shoot.

    If you choose to shoot with a studio that provide the lingerie for you, make sure to ask how they clean their lingerie and how often it has been worn.

That being said, we love the idea of using unique props on our shoots, so we started offering props to our clients, for those who want to add extra badassness to their shoot. But there are upper body pieces, or pieces you wear on top of your boudoir outfit! Our collection is small so far but very cool: black and gold lace chokers, flower shoulder pads, vintage pearls top, lace chest cover-ups).

Making our boudoir shoots flexible and inclusive has been our priority since day one, and we are very proud of ourselves for keeping it this way!

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5 fears stopping you from doing a boudoir shoot

A boudoir photoshoot is a powerful experience, way beyond pretty photos. It's an opportunity to boost your confidence, reconnect with yourself and give yourself well-deserverd quality time. But it is a vulnerable experience and it feels quite intimidating for many of you.

Let's dive in and debunk the 5 most common fears that might stop you for treating yourself to a boudoir shoot.


Fear #1: You don't have the "right” body.

Being surrounded by unachievable beauty standards in the media and social media making it incredibly easy to compare yourself to others, this is not a surprise that many of us think we would need to look a certain way in order to pose without clothes on. Too fat, too thin, not this enough, too much there, it is hard not to get lost in it! But that's exactly why boudoir is needed: to put an end all of this bullshit.

There is no right body. There are just bodies. They come in all shape and sizes and one kind isn't better than the other. Yours is great the way it is, because it is yours. It's been supporting you for many years and deserve some love and recognition for doing so. Wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, they all tell a story: your story. And that’s good enough.

And no, you don't need to lose weight before a photoshoot!

We actually don't recommend changing your body before a session, especially short-term. Otherwise, you risk looking back at those photos months later feeling like it is not you and that's the opposite of what we want! We want you to see your photos as a reminder of how beautiful you are with the body you have, and to remind you of this great confidence you have. That kind of magic stays forever!

Fear #2: Not feeling like a "sexy" person.

Again, we have been conditioned to think that it means one thing and one thing only: to provoke desire for somebody else (usually, for the male gaze…). Some things are sexy and some things aren't and that is it.

Well… it isn't. Being sexy is a feeling first, not a look, and it comes in many ways. It's an energy that makes you feel confident, badass, and sensual and there isn't any ultimate definition for any of these. You can feel sexy changing a lightbulb or wearing fancy lingerie.

Since it is such a versatile feeling, everybody can be sexy. You can make it your own so easily, don't be afraid to tap into it!


Fear #3: Not knowing how to pose.

Wait, you mean you don't know how to pose accordingly in a photography concept you've never tried before? How dare you!

Of course you don't know, and your photographer shouldn't expect you to! It's already hard enough to pose for simple family photos as it is! A good photographer will guide you through every pose and set. You shouldn't even have to think about it. All of our clients are first-timers, and it is part of our job to guide them to highlight their body and beauty during a session, not theirs.

Fear #4: Not feeling like yourself.

In traditional boudoir, some sort of lingerie is often involved. Well, we don't believe in tradition so it opens a lot more doors.

What you should think of when thinking of outfits is what you feel good in first. What outfit makes you feel confident? Beautiful? What are those pieces you got that made your heart skip a beat that you haven't gathered the courage to wear yet?

That's what we are looking for. A boudoir twist is very easily applicable on any oufits.

Of course a classic set of lingerie is an option but you can think outside the box and go for example with:

  • Bodysuits of any kind;

  • Jeans, joggers, overalls;

  • Cosplay and themed outfits

  • Loose tshirt, sweaters;

  • Dresses of any kind, robes, outfits rated as "too much”;

  • And much more as you can see here!

Fear #5: Where will those photos end up?

This one isn't related to body and mindset, but yet oh-so important: what happens to the photos afterwards?

Some people don't care at all using their photos online, but for the majority of people, having those photos around somehow is just not an option. In our case, this is a decision you let us know before we even book anything, and we just put it in writing and follow your lead. Our photos are delivered via a private gallery that you can delete afterwards on your end. We have had also many people asking us to delete the images from our hard-drives once the session was completed, and we just… do it. Don’t hesitate to ask questions prior to booking anything and if they aren't answered clearly, this is a red flag.

Everyone should try boudoir photography at least once in their life. There is a before and an after in this adventure, with many more perks that you wouldn't even think of. Take the leap, challenge yourself and you won't regret it.

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5 ways to explore your sensuality in winter time

The snow and the cold weather have settled here in Canada, and we are in for a good 5 more months! If you have been living in Canada for a while, you know how it goes: right now, people’s spirit is mostly up with the Holiday season and its business. But in a couple of months, when the snow turns grey and the temperatures drop to -15 degrees, people will start feeling blue.

When it is cold outside, and we are not feeling our best, it is really easy to become a couch potato and fall into a poor self-care never ending circle. Which, you can guess, is hard on our sensuality.

It is really important to take good care of your body and mind, even in winter time. And in order to do so, you have to put yourself as a priority. Otherwise, you let all the stress from your life take control of your well-being. This is when anxiety, fatigue, fear (and all that jazz) show the tip of their nose.


So why is sensuality so important?

It helps to feel in harmony with our body, which increases our self-confidence. And since sensuality is connected to all of our senses, it also develops our creativity, imagination and intuition.

We know sensuality can be a scary word, as a lot of people think it is only related to sexuality. But it is not! Sensuality is the ability to feel in touch with all of our senses.

Here are 5 ways to keep feeling sensual even in winter time:


We put this on top of our list because this is very important, not only for sensuality but also for your health in general. So write it down somewhere or take a mental note:

You have to incorporate movements in your routine!

Being “stuck inside”, having to work from home and spending most of our days sitting on a chair or a sofa is terrible for our body. It makes our muscles weak, creates tightness in our back and neck, and decreases our level of energy.

If you motivate yourself to move your body often during the day, your productivity and mood will skyrocket. And honestly, it is an easy habit to create. For example:

  • Do some yoga or gentle stretching during the day;

  • Take a break from work and dance like nobody's watching;

  • Force yourself to go for a walk in your neighbourhood, even if it is for only 15 minutes; and

  • If you feel like committing to an activity, take classes of something. You don’t have to sign up for the gym in order to work out. You can learn to twerk, dance bachata, rock climb, swim….

There are so many activities out there that will help you get out of your home, find the energy to do something, and you might even make new friends (we all know how hard it is to do that as an adult!).

Moving your body will make you feel more connected to and at peace with yourself.


Taking care of this body of yours is also primordial. We like to imaging that our body is its own little person that needs attention, the same way you will give it to a loved one, a pet or a plant. It needs love and care in order to grow strong and beautiful. Here is how you can give it some lovin’:

  • Put some makeup on and do your hair if it makes you feel good;

  • Dress up nicely even if you stay in;

  • Make yourself a hot bath or get a massage to relax;

  • Take the time to moisturize every inch of your skin and feel the lotion deeply nourishing it;

  • get cozy and take the time to read a book;

  • get creative and make your own Holiday decors; or

  • Take yourself on a date!

Those are just examples and are not for everyone. But whatever makes you happy, take the time to do it! It is not going to make you a selfish person if you decide to focus on yourself for a change.


Yes, believe us when we say food as the power to develop your sensuality. There is a common saying French people like to say after a delicious meal:

“It was as good as an orgasm!”

It does not mean we had one while eating, but it means the feeling of peace and joy was the same an orgasm can give you. Quality food is all about flavours. Forget about salt and sugar, we are talking about explosion of aromas that can increase your level of happiness!

Here is how you can enhance your food experience:

  • Learn to cook healthy and tasty meals;

  • Go buy yourself some delicious french pastries;

  • Order your favourite food and take the time to enjoy each bite and focus on the flavours; or

  • go experience a new type of cuisine.

Food is life! It is the fuel our body needs to function, but it doesn’t mean you have to eat only to survive. Learn to see food as something that will give you culinary pleasure, that will make you do a little happiness dance because it tastes so good.


Even if sensuality is not only about sex, it is an important part of it. In this part, we want to talk about self-sexuality and forget about potential partners for a minute.

You have to know your body by heart in order to feel fully at peace with it. You cannot be afraid to touch and look at it, and discover what parts of your body are the most sensitive.

They are so many ways to play with and learn about your body, and by yourself. You can start by lighting up some candles, listen to musics that help you relax or turn you on… it will put you in the mood. Once you have created a sensual and relaxing environment, here are a few things to try out:

  • Breathing exercises and energy movements (this is a bit more spiritual) to help you reconnect with your body;

  • Touch EVERY PART of your body, apply different types of pressure or speed. This will help you understand where and how you like to be touched;

  • Be curious about toys (yes, even if you have a partner, it can actually be a cool add-on to your sex life). You can find a variety of toys: static or with vibrations; different sizes, shapes, colours and texture;

  • Open your mind to your fantasies instead of feeling ashamed of them; and

  • If you feel ready to explore more, go to a sex club. That will keep you warm ;)

*Little side note: if you are looking to empower your sexuality, we highly suggest to check out Layla Martin work!


This is the perfect experience to discover and play with your sensuality, take the me-time you deserve, and feeling empowered on another level! No need to have a previous experience, a particular type of body, or a certain age or gender to do it, we open our doors to everyone!

When you sign up for a boudoir session, we make sure your shoot is tailored to you! No need to wear a disguise, you are the one choosing the vibes you want to create and bringing the outfits and props that make you feel like your most sensual-self. Our role is to guide you from head to toe, and make sure you feel confident at the end of your shoot 😘

Of course, there are so many other ways to embrace your sensuality, you just have to be curious and willing to experience different things.

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Badass Female Photographers - Diane Arbus

Hello Scandals! We are very excited about this new category we created for our blog posts: Badass Female Photographers. The idea is to write several blogs about those female photographers (well known or forgotten by history) who shaped the world of photography.

We are businesswomen, but first and foremost we are artists, so creating this blog series takes us back to photography school and satisfies the artist within us!

For this first blog, let us introduce you to Diane Arbus 📸

We used the following sources for the facts stated in this blog: Wikipedia, Arts Help, and The Art Story.


Diane Arbus holds her 1962 photograph: Child with toy in Central Park.


She was an American photographer who was famous for her incredible B&W and intimate portraits of marginalized communities. I, Fanny, personally love her work (it is my dream to, one day, buy one of her photograph). From the moment I discovered her art, I got fascinated and inspired by her artistic vision and images! What I find incredible about her work is the fact that she dared to move away from social barriers and prejudices in order to document the life of those who were called “freaks” (people with dwarfism, circus performers, giants, gender non-conforming people…).

"She was fascinated by people who were visibly creating their own identities—cross-dressers, nudists, sideshow performers, tattooed men, the nouveaux riches, the movie-star fans, and by those who were trapped in a uniform that no longer provided any security or comfort." - Arthur Lubow.

Her work strongly influenced the way our world perceives people who don’t conform to our society’s standards and the importance of a proper representation of all people.

Tell me more about her!

Diane Arbus (born as Diane Nemerov) was born in 1923 in New York City.

She grew up in a wealthy family but was raised by maids and governesses since her parents were not deeply involved in raising her, nor her siblings (Diane's mother struggled with bouts of depression preventing her from intellectually supporting her daughter, while her father stayed busy with work). This lack of parenting pushed her to try separating herself from her family.

How did she become a photographer?

At the age of 18 she married Allan Arbus, who she was dating since the age of 14. Allan was working in the advertising department of Diane’s father’s fur shop, and he was the one who gifted Diane her first camera shortly after their marriage. With her husband, they opened their fashion photography studio in which Allan was the photographer and Diane the art director (she would come up with the concepts for their shoots and then take care of the models). She eventually grew tired of the unfulfilling commercial work and, with the support of her husband, end up starting her career as a solo photographer.

The main event in her life that triggered her curiosity for photography was her pregnancy with her first daughter, Doon, that she chronicled in 1945. She also took some photography classes with two famous female photographers (that we will also cover in the blog series) : Berenice Abbott and Lisette Model.

Diane Arbus self portrait with daughter

Diane Arbus - 1945 Double Self-Portrait with Infant Daughter, Doon.


The evolution of her art.

She started her portraits journey by wandering the streets of New York’s and taking pictures of strangers, stolen moments her subjects did not expect. She kept her distance at first, not meeting eyes with her models.

But rapidly, Diane felt compelled to get closer to the people she photographed, and focus on the one living an unconventional life. She would befriend her subjects, connect to them in a unique way, and photographed them in intimate settings such as their homes. The power of her images, beside the subjects themselves, is the fact that she would make them look directly at the camera and being the centre of each photograph.

“As her works evolve her subjects begin to knowingly face the camera, her photographs become almost provocative with vulnerability. Her subjects are emotionally exposed to the point of nakedness, their eyes staring directly into the camera.” - Kaiya Malik.

Many have thought that her work was an extension of her childhood and personal suffering, feeling oppressed and like a social outcast within her own community!

A controversial photographer!

Diane Arbus The Albino sword swallower and her sister.

Diane Arbus - The Albino sword swallower and her sister, Md.

Diane Arbus received a lot of critics, either positive or negative. Some people, like me, were fascinated by the choice of the models and her approach, seeing her art as a way to show marginalized groups as humans instead of “freaks”.

But not everyone would agree with her vision. Some people would see her work as something perverse, she would be called a “voyeur” by some critics, while others would doubt the fact she viewed her subjects as social equals. She was seen as a free-spirit (which wasn’t a compliment at that time) and got a reputation that she was sleeping with some of her models.

Her battle with depression.

Diane Arbus experienced "depressive episodes" during her life, similar to those experienced by her mother, and committed suicide at the age of 48 (1971), by ingesting barbiturates and cutting her wrists with a razor. She wrote the words "Last Supper" in her diary and placed her appointment book on the stairs leading up to the bathroom, her body was found two days later.

"I go up and down a lot. Maybe I've always been like that. Partly what happens though is I get filled with energy and joy and I begin lots of things or think about what I want to do and get all breathless with excitement and then quite suddenly either through tiredness or a disappointment or something more mysterious the energy vanishes, leaving me harassed, swamped, distraught, frightened by the very things I thought I was so eager for! I'm sure this is quite classic." - Diane Arbus ( letter wrote to a friend in 1968).

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How to look like yourself during your boudoir shoot

We have heard many times of the years “those photos were nice, but they just didn't look like me”. Maybe because of too much editing. Maybe because it was the wrong vibe. It happens even more often in boudoir photography, where we are still facing the (wrong) assumption that bodies need to look perfect since clothes aren't in the picture.

It's not a great feeling to not recognize yourself on an image. Here is why:

Photography's purpose is not just about creating art. It's to evoke emotions of any kind.

When you are booking any type of shoot for yourself, it is very likely because you want to see yourself from another perspective and keep a memory of it. If you can't recognize yourself in a picture, you become totally neutral about it or worse, have negative feelings towards it. Chances are you may look at the photo for a day or 2, before hiding it somewhere because it just “doesn't feel right".

So, how can you look like YOU during your boudoir shoot?


1) Pick the right makeup, if any.

Makeup is fascinating. You can be so creative with it and change your face's features. It is often encourage on photoshoots to wear some to get camera ready or just to have fun and get pampered, but it doesn't mean you have to get it done in a way that is drastically different from what you would usually do. It doesn’t even mean that you have to get your makeup done at all! Many of us don't wear any, if this is your case, feel free to keep it this way.

Of course, working with a makeup artist is also the opportunity to try something different, and if you want to experiment, go for it! But if you want to look like yourself, see it as a way to get a professional version of your own makeup.

Having a clear vision of the makeup you picture yourself with is very helpful to not feel like a stranger,

2) Prepare outfits that make you feel amazing.

Boudoir isn't just about the classic lingerie set, far from it!

Any outfit can be turned into a boudoir one, you just have to remove some layers.

If you feel like a garterbelt and stockings isn't like you, take your favourite style and remove some layers! Loose tshirts with cute panties, a pair of jeans topless, a silky robe, bralette and skirt, possibilities are endless, so have fun with it!


3) Don't overthink poses

When it comes to posing, the simplier, the better!

It's great to feel inspired by some poses you see online but attempting to copy them exactly might not work. One pose can look very different on 2 different bodies. However, poses can be adapted to your body type so they still looks badass, effortless, and flattering. Don't hesitate to ask your photographer, we personally love getting inspiration photos from our clients and adjust the poses depending on them.

Definetely not the easiest to pull off

Definetely not the easiest to pull off!

4) Try it at home

Practice makes perfect! Observing ourselves, taking our own images, trying on different outfits and poses in front of the mirror… All of these are very helpful to see what you look like when you feel like yourself. That way, you will feel comfortable quicker in front of a lens and will know what works for you.

If you feel like getting the hang of it solo before turning to a pro, check out our online boudoir guide*! It is the perfect tool to learn to style and pose yourself in different settings, in the comfort of your own home.

*its price is 100% redeemable on a photoshoot with us too!


5) Turn to a pro and make sure you feel seen

For us, the goal of boudoir is not for you to adapt to the clichés but for us to adapt to you. Sensuality is expressed in many different way, and yours is just as valuable as any. The more you feel understood prior to your session, the more you will feel like yourself on the final photos. You don't need to have specific ideas, just don't be afraid to ask questions, share what inspires you, even if you think it is all over the place. We will piece it together with you.

Don’t forget to not take yourself seriously or put pressure on yourself. A boudoir shoot is such an empowering and beautiful experience, you won’t regret trusting the process!

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