Camera Roll - Summer Edition β€” Scandaleuse | Inclusive Toronto Boudoir Photography

Camera Roll - Summer Edition

Well Scandals, we only have a few weeks left of summer, and if there is one thing we can say is that: man it flew by. Let us take you through what we have been up to...


New Scandals, New Locations

Hard work pays off, we have met over 10 new Scandals in the span of a few weeks and had to look for more locations so we can keep giving you original work! From Nakita who wanted to highlight her post-partum killer body to Madison who was looking for a true Victoria Secret moment, we have met so many wonderful women, We can't wait to meet our fall Scandals!


An express trip to France

Juliette hopped on a plane to France for some shoots and family time. Just enough to load up on French sun and get over the jetlag and deal with it on the way back. How can you go to France and not take advtange of the scenery? Mama Scandal was dragged in a sunflower field, butt naked, for some beautiful shots.


New shiny headquarters.

One the biggest surprises of 2018 is that both of our lives took a 360 turn and we started living together again. The minute Juliette landed back from France, we unpacked our boxes in our new apartment until midnight. It is coming together slowly but surely and we are pretty excited to show you our new home!

The project with an advertising agency

Back in June, we started working with Zulu Alpha Kilo, who were kind enough to take us on board as a pro-bono project. We are happy to finalize the details of the project we have been keeping secret for weeks now. Stay tuned!

The Scandaleuse Sweet Escape in Tiny, ontario.

We finally allowed ourselves to take 3 days out of the city, in a cottage kindly lent by one of our friends. This little vacation was so refreshing (we did spend it naked after all) with so many news photos and videos.


What about you Scandals: what have you been up to this Summer?